Here are some stats I pulled from NARP site and US Census. Look like Amtrak peaked under Bush I and is at lowest normalized useage now. Amtrak’s recent growth has been slower than overall population. Capacity constrained? Demographics? What?
date 1000 pass-miles pop train feet travelled per person president
1970 4999 205,052,174 128.7 Nixon
1975 3939 215,973,199 96.3 Ford
1980 4582 227,224,681 106.5 Carter
1985 4825 237,923,795 107.1 Reagan
1988 5678 244,498,982 122.6 Reagan
1989 5859 246,819,230 125.3 Bush I
1990 6057 249,464,396 128.2 Bush I
1991 6273 252,153,092 131.4 Bush I
1992 6091 255,029,699 126.1 Clinton
1993 6199 257,782,608 127.0 Clinton
1994 5921 260,327,021 120.1 Clinton
1995 5545 262,803,276 111.4 Clinton
1996 5050 265,228,572 100.5 Clinton
1997 5166 267,783,607 101.9 Clinton
1998 5304 270,248,003 103.6 Clinton
1999 5330 272,690,813 103.2 Clinton
2000 5498 282,177,754 102.9 Bush II
2001 5559 285,093,813 103.0 Bush II
2002 5468 287,973,924 100.3 Bush II
2003 5503 290,809,777 99.9 Bush II