Amtrak wont produce a timetable so Trains should produce one for sale with ads.

Amtrak not making anymore timetables is a mistake…how else are we supposed to know about interline connections. BTW as of right now I am in Jamestown NY and Coach USA has a “Offcial Connection” with Amtrak in Downtown Buffalo NY>How would anyone know about the MARC and South Shore Connections. The folks who put out the Accla Mag on the trains could put out a annual North American Rider Guide and sell ads

All of the connecting service that has been shown in the printed timetables is shown in the schedules found at Amtrak’s website.

If you want to know what service MARC has, go to the MARC website.

It’s the 21st century. Everything is evolving toward cell phones and computers. If they printed timetables you’d be the only one buying one. When’s the last time you used a phone book?

That is part of the problem of the 21st Century. You only ask questions about what you know about. If you don’t know about it you won’t stumble across it to be able to ask a question about it.

ie. If you don’t know about commuter line connections you won’t look for them.

They have an app for that [;)]

(Sorry man. The devil made me do it.)

I land line and internet. I don’t app. Something about HAVING to be immediately reachable for 10 years in my career left a bad taste about the ‘smartphone society’ we have become. I choose not to participate to that level.

I understand where you’re coming from, but I’m being dragged into the 21st century whether I’m ready or not. I don’t know that any of us have immunity to progress.

Balt I’m with you.
Seriously Trains publishing a timetable is probably worthless. If you go to and check timetable changes there are at least 14 different dates for one or more routes having a change. Expect route timetables will be the norm for the forseeable future ?

That of course does not include some of the temporary schedule changes in service alerts.

The airlines gave up on paper timetables quite a few years ago. The demand for them just isn’t there anymore. Amtrak probably came to the same conclusion. We may not like it but it is a reasonable business decision.

On, under Schedules, there is a link to the Amtrak System Timetable, which can be downloaded. If one is so inclined one or all of the pages of the timetable can be printed. It is even in living color!

The question comes down to, for those of us who have a choice – I’m retired – does the ‘convenience’ serve me or other people, including those I’d rather not hear from?

A perfect example is an old convenience, the land-line telephone. The only ones we hear from on it anymore are telemarketers – despite our best don’t-call efforts – and fraudsters. Everyone we care about corresponds by e-mail, with live calls only on obvious occasions.

I’d jerk it out, but am overruled by the sweet wife.

I’d certainly not sign up for any Internet intrusions after e-mail.

Had a must had wedding to attend in Huston Tx. Delta had a downloadable PDF ‘time table’ which I used to verify flights. But, used the on-line reservation agent to plan our flight and route. Right down to reserving the seats on-line! If AMTRAK moves to a similar donwload PDF, then folks can still plot their travels. Do concur having that paper timetable and map does lead to exploring while my iPhone 6 doesn’t.

You can dowload the national Amtrak TT as a pdf.


One time one of the major cell phone carriers had a service interruption. The railroad for a few hours had trouble getting hold of crew members who used that service and no longer had land-lines.

I still (sort of) have a land line. I say this because now our land-line is now via our internet and cable provider. When we signed up for all services (after

Paper Timetables work very well when you are on rail pass and our touring the country. No batteries needed and connecting bus and commuter rail info. I guess the days of the “Official Guide” are over. I always want to know whats over the next hill and around the next curve.