Amtraks new chairman and board

Did anyone have any reservations about Don Phillips column and Bob Johnson’s profile of Tom Carper (new Chairman of the Amtrak Board)?

Phillips notes Carper and Hunter Biden (son of VP Biden) as "force(s) to be reckoned with. Carper is a former bar owner, Mayor of Macomb, Il and friend of President Obama. He points to his bar business as understanding Amtrak’s need to have repeat customers.

Let’s see, a friend of the President and the Vice President’s son as “forces to be reckoned with” …

Am I the only one who feels a little uncomfortable with this?


Washington, DC can be compared to ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and the media either tries to build them up or tear them down. There is so little rational, objective and unbiased reporting that we have all become cynical. Too frequently Mr. Phillips leaves us cynical, or at least wanting another viewpoint.

I can understand the skepticism but my trust level is higher. I think Amtrak will prosper under this Administration. I know nothing about Mr. Carper but I’m not disappointed that he’s not another lawyer or accountant or unimaginative railroad drone.

The subtext of both earlier emails is really political.

One the subject of Mr. Phillips, didn’t we just end a very long thread on the relative merits of his column? Must we do this all over again now?

NKP guy:

I will withdraw from political comments. I commented on two columns in this month’s Trains Magazine.

My main point wasnt that the board members are not drones or attorneys, but the friend of the POTUS and the son of the VPOTUS. Amtrak has always been between a rock and a hard place. Do I want there to be passenger trains? Sure. Is this the best BofD available? If membership is based on being friends and a son, then perhaps not.

The table is set with massive spending programs moving thru for Amtrak to receive funding. If it is going to achieve success (however defined) now will be the time.

The past administration had a complete disaster on it’s hands with Katrina and the FEMA executive in place. Lets hope this is not a replay of that.



I understand your point about nepotism and I wholeheartedly agree the Amtrak Board and President need to be the most capable people possible.

I detest the dynasty approach all too often seen in Government, entertainment, and other areas of our public life. People ought to get on Boards for what, not whom, they know. But until we get a law to require this I think we’ll see more of this sort of thing in the future.

Let’s face it, MP173: either one of us would be a great choice for the Amtrak Board or Presidency!

I would not have been a great member (I hate committees and meetings that lost more than 15 minutes long, unless there are very interesting personalities), but…

There are a number of members of this forum that seriously could be considered. Seriously.

The original post was no doubt destined to be political, trust me, I thought long and hard of how to post it to avoid the political nature while still bringing out my point.


My seven year old son understands the importance of having repeat customers…one really doesn’t need alot of business smarts to see that. Hopefully these guys have the skills and leadership abilities needed to run Amtrak… if so then who cares about their connections to the POTUS. But I’m not so sure I’d hire an ex bar owner to run my trucking biz…I would want someone with at least 10 years in the business, preferably at all levels and with a track record of perfomance specific to transportation.

It might be worth noting that both were appointed to the Board of Directors by the Bush administration, so in the case of Biden, it could hardly be considered nepotism. I won’t try to say that they weren’t “politically connected”, but then, how many higher level government positions are held by people who have never been active in government affairs either as elected or appointed officials, or active in civic organizations related to the position they hold.

You might want to Google Thomas C. Carper and Hunter Biden. On the one hand, I wasn’t blown away by what I read as their experience and education, but on the other hand I don’t think “tavern owner” and “senator’s son” presents a very balanced view.

Phillip’s has his opinion about these men and he may or may not be right. However, Phillips has been reporting on the Washington scene for two or three decades and by this time I suspect that he can do fairly well at spotting an individual in the political fray who can be a force to be reckoned with.

Jay and Ulrich:

Thanks for the info. Actually both of you, among others, would be on my “short list” of forum members. Jay, I know you ride the rails from time to time and am sure you could add considerable knowledge. Ulrich, as a transportation company owner, your talents would be valued.

I am not sure of the appointment proceedures nor the vetting system for the board, but no doubt the FEMA Director was a decent guy and probably had success in life…look where it got him.

The magazine used the terms “bar business” and “nightclub owner” and Don Phillips referred to Carper as “the former mayor of Macomb, Ill. and a longtime Obama friend and political supporter and Biden, son of the new vice president…”

Any mayor has to have some political savy and experience, and no doubt running a night club in a college town (Western Illinois University) has it’s moments. We should be able to expect better food and beverage service on Amtrak at the least.

I will do that Googling now.



Biden was indeed appointed by the Bush Administration. The Amtrak board appears to require 2 Democrats, 2 Republicans, and a non voting CEO in the five member group. Ok, 2 Democrats and 2 Republicans in an even count board. Perhaps therein lies the problems with Amtrak.

But, there is good news as the board will expand to 9 members. With openings for 4 members, I strongly suggest that Trains forum be given a board membership position.

Nominations are now being taken…

I agree Biden has an impressive resume. I apologize for any earlier comments regarding he being the son of the Vice President…totally out of line for me, but then again I was quoting Mr. Phillips.



Frankly, I didn’t re-read Phillip’s column before I made my post and perhaps I could lay the same commplaint on him. I don’t know, given only so much space for words in the column, perhaps he was going for effect.

Giving the issue a little more thought, unless one were able to sit in on board meetings, it seems it would be difficult to get a good handle on the performance of any given member. Even with that, I suspect that so much goes on behind the scenes, things such as conversations between any member of the board and White House and Congressional staff people. I would assume that a good Chairman would want to have the rest of the board, the Amtrak President and senior officers speaking from the same page, but with so much potential for “back channeling”, maybe that is wishful thinking. For example, what would keep the former chairperson, Republican Donna McLean from having lunch with a policy staffer in Senator John McCain’s office?

I would certainly hope that board member Hunter Biden would have lunch with the Vice President from time to time.

Seems fair to me.


I think that’s a great idea. Let’s hope they eat in the dining car on The Lake Shore Limited. If they do, I bet we get the old diners and convection ovens back! (Although food on the Lake Shore is pretty good!).

What are the meals like these days on Amtrak?

They use to have quality chef’s ever since they cut back some of the services. The Chef’s were cut as well. The meals are “ok”.

They use to have quality chef’s ever since they cut back some of the services. The Chef’s were cut as well. The meals are “ok”.

In the private sector, the qualifications of members of the Board of Directors are rarely reviewed beyond the fact that they may represent the interests of a large shareholder (see the recent CSX brouhaha). Until the leveraged buyout mania of the 1980’s, a Board of Direcotrs usually was pretty docile and often served as little more than a rubber-stamp for senior management.

How does a former bar owner, allow him to be qualified to be chairman of Amtrak-lol-Obama really is a goof. I would wager that there are far more qualified people that could do an exemplary job running amtrak besides some former bar owner that has limited experience in corporate business in rail services-small owner business and mayoral duties, doesn’t necessarily give the person the qualifications and the experience to run a rail corporation I would think. Does this man even ride the trains at least?

Another “yes we can” attitude to test perhaps-ha ha ha.