An E Bay item for someone with time and money!

It’s a spam/phishing scam. Apparently eBay still hasn’t found a way to block those creeps.

Betamax, don’t give them your password. [:-,]

As for the auction, is that somebody’s personal collection, or did this guy buy out a hobby shop? Not only didn’t he include a shipping calculator, he only takes checks and money orders. No thanks.

OK, calm down everybody. The original poster was not posting a link to a porn site. Looks like he inadvertantly posted the link to the HO auction category listing instead of the actual item he wanted us to see. It also appears that he has gone back and edited his original post with the correct link. The porn was coming from somebody illegally posting inappropriate stuff for sale under the “HO” category in eBay. Looks like somebody from eBay is actively taking them down as they come up, though.

(Hey, I think I get it now…porn, “HO”… ha ha ha…)

(Edit: actually, it’s also coming up under “O” and “S” scales, as well, so I guess the “HO” thing is just a coincidence [:D])


Didnt open it, glad I didn’t. Ebay has had a rash of porn images posted as items for bid.

DO NOT open them, or risk getting infected, the kind of infection pennicillin wont fix…

Me either, the second link works fine. Now that is a ton of kits eh.

Thankfully, it looks like eBay has fixed “the problem”. Regretably, this happens from time to time on there.

Do you get the sense that someone believes that the majority of MRRers are made up primarily of men?


THAT’S classic!![(-D]
I thought it looked like a LHS buy out too till I saw all the SF stuff. Looks like someone “Bought Santa Fe all the Way!”

BUMMER!! I missed the porn! [V]

It’s not a porn site, just a normal e-bay selling link. As has been stated, phishers will occasionally get a listing that includes porn but it rarely lasts for a few minutes before e-bay gets them. It’s now wife and family safe. [:)]

As to the material itself, I sure wouldn’t be bidding that kind of money unless I could inspect the material. It might be the greatest deal in the world or a total ripoff. There’s no way you can tell from pictures. It’s sure an interesting idea though - buy everything you’d ever need except the track at one fell swoop.

You are absolutely correct; it is a porn site!!! I just got three emails from Hillary, Barack, and John; I feel intense nausea coming on and I shall be sick, I’m sure, for the rest of the day!!!

OK OK enough @ the pornsite, Why would any human collect so much STUFF, I would say the guy suffered from a huge problem, he either has so much money and NO self control or should have seeked professional help, it’s a disgrace.

I think I’d want some solid proof of ownership before bidding on a lot like that. It could be that someone bought out the inventory of a failed LHS, but it also looks suspiciously like something that might have “fallen off the back of a truck”. [;)]

You may remember that some several weeks back there was a big flap in the news about a group in Florida that was running a shop lifting scam at Walmart and other local retailers. They would steal from the stores, then post the stolden items for resale on E Bay. They were selling baby formula by the caseload, and other large lots of consumer goods.

Good luck. I don’t even know what my ebay password is. Not even sure what name I used.

The scammers are always trying to hijack an account or a webpage for their purposes. They prey on the stupid and the greedy. Often that combination comes in the same package. Like the old “you won a million dollars in a foreign lottery, we just need $750 for processing fees, and you’ll get your money.” Exactly how do you win a lottery you never entered, and how do these people know you won a lottery you never entered? Yet is still works.

As to this auction lot, this guy accumulated all this stuff with the intention of building a layout, but never got that far. Now it’s up for sale.

Now to watch and see if a bidding frenzy erupts… Although he may fare better selling it at a show as individual items.