An e-Bay listing that just cracked me up.


Easier to figure out which paint schemes are valid. [(-D]

Let’s see, 6 units to GN, which of course then became part of the BN system. At least 1 has since gone to MRL.

Then there are the 14 that went to NdeM, which is now Ferromex?

So we have what, 5 valid paint schemes (and I don’t recall ever having seen 3 of them, MRL or the Mexican lines).

Other than that, there are . . . . . . umm . . . . .

Somehow NYC, SP & C&NW don’t seem to be on that list, just to name a few. [(-D]

Athearn…Athearn, Athearn, Athearn…You gotta forgive them of their past, for the turn-around they’ve had the past few years.


Yeah, I think they were sore that you didn’t use their “Keywords” program for a premium fee. I don’t know if they had it when you listed your wheel, or if they still have it. But, it works, and it’s an annoyance.(Brings up Espee items in Clinchfield or Chessie [xx(])


This isn’t a model, but I saw a set of China (dishes) from an Amtrak Acela train.

Last night I saw a WWI Navy uniform listed under HO scale trains on Ebay.