Easier to figure out which paint schemes are valid. [(-D]
Let’s see, 6 units to GN, which of course then became part of the BN system. At least 1 has since gone to MRL.
Then there are the 14 that went to NdeM, which is now Ferromex?
So we have what, 5 valid paint schemes (and I don’t recall ever having seen 3 of them, MRL or the Mexican lines).
Other than that, there are . . . . . . umm . . . . .
Somehow NYC, SP & C&NW don’t seem to be on that list, just to name a few. [(-D]
Athearn…Athearn, Athearn, Athearn…You gotta forgive them of their past, for the turn-around they’ve had the past few years.
QUOTE: Originally posted by MrKLUKE
Hehe. Man, we see eachother everywhere (forum-wise). My “weathered
wheel” auction got nothing but rave reviews but eBay yanked it because I had
too many keywords in my title not related to the auction itself. In the title I had
“UP BNSF CN CP CSX KCS NS” to get lots of views. Plus, doesn’t every
railroad have weathered wheels? eBay can sell old grilled cheese sandwiches
with the image of Jesus on them or dirty underwear or hurricane air but NOT
my wheel! That’s O.K., I still love eBay. I think I poked fun at every major eBay
model train weatherer at the time INCLUDING MYSELF. Love that clown face.
[:o)]Jeff (MrKLUKE)
Yeah, I think they were sore that you didn’t use their “Keywords” program for a premium fee. I don’t know if they had it when you listed your wheel, or if they still have it. But, it works, and it’s an annoyance.(Brings up Espee items in Clinchfield or Chessie [xx(])
This isn’t a model, but I saw a set of China (dishes) from an Amtrak Acela train.
Last night I saw a WWI Navy uniform listed under HO scale trains on Ebay.