An US model railroad in Sweden

Hi, I would just like to show my new HO layout that I am working on. It is not so big, just a 7x4 footer. It is loosely placed in the eastern USA. Here are some pics of it:

The track plan.

A building I built from cardboard and wood, the bricks are homecasted.

Very nice, Graffen! You have just proven that size isn’t everything. One day, I hope my layout looks as good as yours.

Ditto! Graffen, you have done some very nice modelling there. Congratulations!


Very nice,and complete too. I’m flattered folks from other countries want to model U.S. full scale. BILL

As a fellow who is also workinig in a 7X4 area, I’m impressed! Can you post a photo of the complete layout? What is your minimum radius?


Very nice, I like it. You made excellent use of the given space. My layout is only 5’ x 19’ and It’s nice to see someone else in my category. Good job. [tup]


Nice work, and great photos.

It never ceases to amaze me the wonderful work being done by Europeans recreating the American milieu when most of them have not ever been over the big pond.

I have toured Great Britain, traveled to Paris on the chunnel train, ridden the rails to Brussels and Amsterdam, but I could never even make a dent in trying to model any of those places.

Kudos to all of you, wherever you are.

Living over 2,000 miles and 60 years away from the railroad I am modeling, I know all to well how hard the reseach is. At least I had the benefit of having lived there through the transition period.

Graffen -

You have certainly captured the flavor of an American railroad. I like it very much. I hope we’ll be seeing more of your work.

There is a fairly sized group of people modelling US prototype in good ol´ Europe. Supply situation is excellent, thanks to internet. Interesting enough, prices seem to be about a third lower, when compared to Maerklin, Fleischmann, Roco and the likes.

Thanks for all the kind words [:I].

Well I have actually visited the US, but not the region I am modelling. Thanks to all TV, internet and books I can get a feeling on how to create a plausible facsimile of it.

I forgot to tell what the minimum radius that I use is; It is 41 cm or roughly 16", but it is always in the center of the curve together with 18" and 20" pieces.

I have been busy building my turntable. I needed a smaller one than was on the market (as usual), so I shortened a Peco turntable about 1.5". I then decided to build the pit as well, so I made it from a piece of MDF and pink-foam. I am using an old RC servo with the innards removed to drive it (only the motor and gearbox remains). To reduce the turning speed I use two gears from my old Meccano. The indexing is via microswitches as shown:

It works!!! And now I can start on finishing the Roundhouse.

I built the small gallery behind the roundhouse yesterday. It is made from cardboard and some wood for the pillars. I started with the interior wich is made to resemble blasted rocks, made with paster in alu-foil, with some inks on it.

Here is the structire dry-fitted.

Painted and ready, it took no more than 4 hours from idea to finished, wich is well spent time I think.

Graffen -

Nice job - I like the weatherd effect on the concrete. Who would guess that it’s wood and cardboard? The rockwork looks good also. What are you going to put on top?

Very Nice looking layout Graffen. The only thing you have to get rid of is that 3 wheeled German car and place an old dodge or Ford there instead. Although I do have one of those as well in my train room. I thought they were cool looking.

You do really nice work. Thanks for sharing it with us!


Although I as a Norwegian am not supposed to admit being impressed by a Swede [:-^], I still have to say that your layout looks very nice !

In the picture above - what did you use for the nice stone buildings ?


Thanks Stein, nice to hear from the neighbours[8D]. The building in the photo is scratchbuilt using cardboard as a base and the stonework is carved in pink-foam.

Another pic of it.

Showing the roof and skylight.

As another European, I can only say “Wow”! That building is sure looking good - excellent job done, Graffen.

Wish I could do it - but I do not have the patience to do all that carving…[:D]

That is very impressive work! Any tips on tools and carving techniques you use to carve stonework from pink foam?
