Get the point? It’s not quantity, it’s quality that counts!
it’s not in the same post thread…you’ll have to do it in different threads…
way to go tracky
I for one see you are adding plenty to the fourm
Keep up the good work and dont listen to the goon’s (funguy) out here
Now you are “OFFICIALLY” a motor mouth!!![(-D][(-D][(-D][(-D]
Chuck, you beat me to it. That is exactly what I was going to write. I’d much rather have 50 quality posts than 1000 meaningless ones. At least now we know what he was aiming for all along.
Bob DeWoody
This is the best example yet of a reason to get rid of the stupid stars.
we are starting another flame fest!!! STOP i did not post that much latley in hopes things would came down. i come back read a topic that is supposed ot be a celabration and World War 3 starts!! TL keep the good posts coming. By the way his posts have been train related!! Tim
Congratulations on your 754th post, Brunton!!![:D][:o)][:D]
And on reaching the 1,000th post --( I’ve never been able to figure out why reaching an unimportant milestone is worthy of artificial achievement. )
good job on 1000
I must say Tracky has started a lot of threads latley (don’t get me wrong i’ve got nothing against you- at least it was ON TOPIC) Yes it is quality , not quanity. I s’pose someone will pop in and tell me some of my posts were not quality. Well congrats Tracky (now you have a nickname) on your 1000+ posts.
ya motor mouth
you can type its been 1000 all day
1001 is cool too
Yaaaawwwn! [zzz]
I’m not exactly sure of why web sites have rank systems, but for some it is fun to rack up post and accomplish something. Whether one personally agrees with the value of this acheivement or not, it is realtively harmless, and while it grates on the nerves of some, what is the problem really?
It pushes the posts we might rather see, but that only means we have to go to the inconvenience of changing the page. One could argue that if more than one person starts such a campaign we could get into a pitching contest of where they compete to see who can rack up a bunch of posts while sometimes barely hanging on by a thread of relavency. In this case, we might have to go to page 3 or 4 to find our posts. But what is that but a few minutes of reading or searching. If we work at it we can still find posts that are interesting.
So I ask you what does it matter?
I have dial-up and it takes 2-5 min. for a page to load. That’s what matters to me. Esp. when there are 5 pages of general dicussion to sift through to find someting interesting (i don’t read every topic but i do look at each page with “new posts since my last visit” so i don’t miss anything)
I believe that was the point that Brunton and I and others was trying to make in the first place. In my opinion, it doesn’t matter at all.
Good, I was wondering what I said.
QUOTE: Originally posted by SpaceMouse
So I ask you what does it matter?
It matters because unlike you, we don’t all have an (apparently) inexhaustable amount of time to spend here searching for relavent topics amongst all the chaff.[:D]
Gosh. I didn’t realize I had so many enemies on the forum…
I don’t hold a college degree like a lot of you fellas, nor am I into DCC and all the latest in high tech model railroading. I’m just a 42 year old guy that’s had a head injury that likes trains, and tries to burn his spare time by trying to entertain you the best I can with what little I know and what goes on in my small, unimportant life.
I’m sorry I’ve wasted your time with my topics. I wish you the best with your forum here. I won’t be a bother to you anymore. Now maybe things will get back to normal for you.
QUOTE: Originally posted by Tracklayer
Gosh. I didn’t realize I had so many enemies on the forum…
I don’t hold a college degree like a lot of you fellas, nor am I into DCC and all the latest in high tech model railroading. I’m just a 42 year old guy that’s had a head injury that likes trains, and tries to burn his spare time by trying to entertain you the best I can with what little I know and what goes on in my small, unimportant life.
I’m sorry I’ve wasted your time with my topics. I wish you the best with your forum here. I won’t be a bother to you anymore. Now maybe things will get back to normal for you.
FWIW, I happen to enjoy your topics very much. [tup] Except for the 1000th post one, and the ones where you feel the need to announce your departure from the forum. Either stay, or go. But please quit with the drama.[:D]