Has anybody yet been able to figure out how to login to this forum from an Android device? I keep getting a “Server Error in ‘/Customer’ Application” message (whatever THAT means). It also says “Runtime Error”. Any ideas what all this means? I can login to the Trains.com home page, but when I want to reply or post on the Forum, it asks me to login again. This is where the problem starts…Ideas, anyone?
Sorry I can’t help you, Mike. I have no problem logging in or posting on the forum from my smartphone. Is your cellphone updated to the latest OS?
I’m assuming so. Both my phone and tablet are less than six months old. Interesting though, I’m replying from my phone because, apparently, I didn’t have to login because I got here through the link from my email notification…? This is kinda mind-boggling, especially since my laptop is on its last leg…!
I have been using the MR forums on my Android based Samsung Galaxy Core Prime - no issues at all. Google Chrome is the browser on it.
Chrome is my browser as well…
I use Firefox. And, as mentioned, I’ve experienced no issues either logging in or posting.
Unfortuantely I don’t have a solution. I browsed to the MR forms, logged in and book marked it. Unless someone has experienced the same problem and gone through the trouble shooting process, then your next best bet is to google your issue and see if anything comes up. I’ve been doing that for ages and often find a solution with a bit of effort. It may be easier to do that on a proper computer and have your smart phone nearby to try fixes you find.
Hi there. I have the same issue with my Galaxy Grand Prime. For some reason, it does not lead us to the correct login window. When you get the error message, you need to go back to the initial MR member forum menu. Go to the top and find the green box that asks for your member login. It should work from that box…
Anybody who has trouble using Kalmbach’s products will get more help from our Customer Service department than from anyone on the Forums. E-mail ModelRailroader@CustomerSvc.com or call 877-246-4879.
I did that about a month (approx) ago. I can’t remember the exact response, but something similar to “We’re working on it”. I may have saved the email, if I find it, I will come back with more specifics…
When I go to the site from my phone or tablet, I am already logged in. On the Home page, it clearly says “Welcome Mike”, and beside that: “Log Out”. When I click on “Community” to get to the Forum, if I attempt to reply or start a new topic, THAT’S when I am redirected to login again. My login credentials are saved there (email & password), and if I attemt to login, I am directed to the “Server Error” message, most of which kinda looks like “gobbledegoop” to me…!
Sounds like you are blocking the cookie set at login. I don;t use any Android devices, but I do use CHrome as my browser much of the time (though I am using Edge on my home machine at the moment). All this week, I have not had to log in from Chrome on my work computer. But I shut it down today and won;t restart it until Monday morning. I know when I hot the forums next on that computer, it will not have me logged in - you need to go in from the right page and pay attention to know that, because you CAN read the forum messages without being logged in. You just can’t reply. I notice right away even if I miss the fact that on the main page where is usually has my name, it says to log in - it also doesn;t keep track of the threads you’ve read. So I’ll hit a forum section and see that ALL the threads are unread - well, unless I haven’t been on for a long time, that’s not too likely. So before I get to the point of replying, I use the log in button.
I have been posting and texting pictures on this forum from my old junk ZTE Smartphone phone for about a year now. It may have been a little hard to learn how to do it at first but everything was super easy on that phone after about three months In to it.
Four days ago I got a Samsung Galaxy Prime and have had nothing but problems using this forum with this phone. It takes me 10 12 times to log in, so now I’m just leaving myself logged in. I cannot figure out how to post pictures with it. Besides all that the phone operates like a piece of junk for everything else too.
My old ZTE phone is starting to feel like it was a Cadillac. I’m thinking of returning this Galaxy junk and going back to my old beat-up faithful phone.
Good luck I’m going to need some!
Track Fiddler
For those wondering what’s happening, here’s what happens when you try to login at http://cs.trains.com/
When on mobile, of course.
Main screen:
Click “Login”, and enter information,
Upon pressing “Login” after entering everything, correctly or incorrectly, you’re referred to a server error.
If your device has logged you out, go to ModelRailroader.Com
Just below the main banner, you should see a “Login” option. Login there, and then use the “MENU” option in the upper left to select “Community”. That will bring you to the MR Forum set for the Kalmback/Trains.Com forums.
This isn’t a device specific issue. This is a server side problem with the forum/user management system. It’s not because your phones are broken.
Mr Otte, could you forward this to your IT colleagues so they can see the images?
Looks like we might be getting somewhere…
I would have to agree what you said here makes perfect sense. I had no problem logging into or uploading pictures on my my Imgur site with my new Galaxy.
[:S] Track Fiddler