Does anyone out there have sounds coming from your rolling stock? I don’t mean squeaks or grinding from an overdue lube job. I mean animal from stock cars, harmonica from an occupied boxcar, etc.
I saw this on G and O scale, but nothing in HO.
Does anyone out there have sounds coming from your rolling stock? I don’t mean squeaks or grinding from an overdue lube job. I mean animal from stock cars, harmonica from an occupied boxcar, etc.
I saw this on G and O scale, but nothing in HO.
They have a HO scale stock car made by BLI I think or some other manufacturer.
Yes, they’re from BLI. They list for $100.
I don’t know any particular makers of said product, but they do exist. But this brings an interesting question to my mind, with the drone of diesel engines and sounds of clanking track metal-on-metal, horns, and other typical sounds of a passing train, could you actually hear animal sounds? I suppose you could, but I figure it would be very faint and interrupted by the other noises, which I doubt is how the models with the sound units actually sound… Just my random thoughts…
The only one I have heard makes alot of noise,cattle mooing if you handle the car too rough. Kind of funny if and unsupecting operator moves it a bit hard. BLI I think, in HO.
I have the BLI stock car that “moos”! (I got it for the grandkids![;)]) I have 7 sound locos, and the cattle car can be heard when close by - not at the back of the layout. It makes random sounds when moved (not roughly as previously stated) and will continue for a few minutes after stopping. It’s a neat novelty.[8D]