Another Cool Video - How Model Trains Are Made

It was OK, audio was terrible. At one point she said they make the car weight 1/48th of the real weight? So that would make a 30,000 pound car weight in at 625 pounds? Better have a strong bench!

Cuda Ken

Cuda Ken,
Just remember that weight is a cube factor, so length, width and height. Or, IOW, divide by the scale three times. Real weight 200,000 lbs / 48 / 48 / 48 = 1.8 lbs. scale weight in O-scale. In HO scale, it would weight in at 0.3 lbs, or 4.8 oz.

Paul A. Cutler III

Heh, I get to resurrect my old thread from 2 years ago [:)]

How it’s Made is a great show, up to 14 series by now (15 soon), but it’s no longer shown on the regular Discovery channel around these parts (so they can make room for more Mike Rowe narrated fish-monger shows, it seems), so you have to hunt around to find the episodes if you don’t get the Science channel - this kinda blows…

I saw that segment the other night. I ended up watching on the suggested video list the video on how prototype rail wheels are made.

I saw that show also. The factory and yard with all the wheel sets stored on rails would make a nice model .

Wow. Watching the process by which the cars were made was interesting, but the announcer… kinda got on my nerves. Details are “accessories”? [%-)]