I’m in the proces of permanently coupling two MDC Criiters together to eliminate stalling on turnouts. The Critters are equiped with led’s for directional headlights. When I’m done, I would like only the headlight on the lead locomotive to come on. I don’t want the headlight on the trailing unit to light. Can I just cut the wire to the other diode? Are there any other options?
Any information, guidance, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You SHOULD be able to cut the lead to the Diode to get the effect you want. Just be aware that LED’s do NOT take REVERSE VOLTAGE very well and can blow. Maybe it is set up so that one of the LED’s protects the other in reverse direction You should solder in a regular 1N4004 or similar in series with your Headlight and its dropping resistor to protect the LED when your loco(s) go backwards. Otherwise you should be OK!
The only thing you need to do is cut one of the wires to the light(s) that you want to disable, and insulate the end of the wire so it doesn’t short against anything.