Another Garden Railway in MR.

So, we have another garden railway featured in MR. Why?

There is a Kalmbach publication strictly for garden railways so why take up space in MR, which already lacks the “meaty” articles of years gone by, when it could have been published in the magazine created just for garden railways?

Do they feature non-garden railways in the garden railway magazine.

Well, let’s see…

“Garden Railways.” Specific subculture of model railroading.

“Model Railroader.” Generic; encompasses all aspects of model railroading, including various subcultures.

Non-garden layout does not fit the Garden Railways subculture. Garden layout DOES fit the Model Railroader mix.

Idea!! If you don’t like garden railroading, don’t read articles about it, even in Model Railroader.

I’m subscribing to MR for scale rr’ing of the INDOOR variety. I don’t want to pay for content that could be better

handled by another magazine.

Actually I believe it was a nice article aim for summer time modeling activities and perhaps to introduce G scale as that activity.[:D] I see no harm in such articles even though I have no use for such articles but,am sure there are hundreds if not thousands that do.[8D]

I enjoy the Garden Model Railroad articles in MR. I don’t think it would appropriate if there was a garden rairoad article all the time in MR but the occasional article is interesting.

Probably not.

MR mag long ago showed that Events don’t ratge high on their priority list. Judging by the lack of views and responses to this post, the forum crew isn’t that interested either.

Yes, they’ve done a few in the last few years in GR, indoor layouts have been featured in GR. In fact theres an indoor layout in the current issue…They are either G or O and if someone has an HO or O layout outdoors I’m sure they would like to put it in the magazine too.

I didnt know Model Railroading was exclusive to HO or N, maybe the mag should be changed to “HO or N Only Model Railroader” ???

I could not agree with you more Vic!

I actually agree with rogertra. Ok I am sorry to say this garden railroading has its own magazine why should it eat up valuable Model Railroad space which should only feature HO, N Z, S, and O scale. I say Kalmbach should do scale specific magazines such as HO only or N scale only, etc. I mean if Garden Railroad (G scale) whynot tr others. I myself heave been toying with the notion of making an HO only magazine but lack funds to do so.

I’m sure the logic is that if they DIDNT show the occasional Garden RR in MR that some model RRs might not ever consider coming outside into the sun with an outdoor RR and instead stay locked in thier basements until mushrooms began growing on them…[;)][:D]

Good to see the critical people found there way back to the forum. Who cares it’s all model railroading!

I think it’s relevent. Since I like to look at what other scales are doing from time to time.

I see no problem with it. I myself used to do Garden Railroading then I got out of it, becuase I’m I was a Middle school budget and could not afford it. I thought the article was great. Model Railroader as the name says includes everything Model Railroading. I think i have a Model Railroad Craftsman or something like that, That has an article dedicated to How to build and detail Big Rigs. It worked becuase its Tips on modeling cars for a layout

Is it repeat material from the other magazine or new material?

No its always new material, I’ve havent seen a repeat save one, a large outdoor layout that was started as a more typical GR round-n-round, but GRs original story was several years ago, then MR did a story on the latest rebuild of it into an operations based layout about 2 years ago. Otherwise they are one time only, to that specific magazine…I wish Klambake would reconsider that policy, I would love to see an update of Malcomn Furlows Mexican Hat Canyon RR in either GR or MR.

Does it cease to be a model railroad just because some of the scenery is real? I got into garden railways as a result of articles in a the British Railway Modeller magazine, my G scale locos are as well detailed if not better than my HO ones. It’s about variety and seeing things you might not consider otherwise. There are lots of articles in Model Railroader that don’t interest me particularly but they sometimes have an idea I can use. If we don’t model a particular Railroad then an article on building a specific coach or loco isn’t relevant either for me.
I’m happy with the general content, one good article can make it an issue I’ll keep and look at again and again.
Buy a G scale loco sit it on the shelf and see how long it takes for the idea to build a layout to start!
Oh and don’t forget to keep buying the HO for when it’s cold out there or raining.[:)]

To my way of thinking the magazines name is “Model Railroader” there is no scale specifics, personally I like to see others acheivements, in other scales or even outdoors, if I had the real-estate, the money, the time… then I’d like to dabble in the garden stuff. Its interesting to see what else is available to us and to give us insight into other options. Plus I am sure there are MANY multi scalers with a layout out back and one in the basement. As has been stated above, many ideas are scale irrelevant so showing the variances in scale does not detract from the modeling, if you dont like it turn the page and dont read it, just like I do with all the ads and other fillers, but one day I may remember something I flipped past and it will have become relevant.

The magazine has a wide audience and I am sure if scale specific mags were profitable to Kalmbach we would have more of them, the largest audience with the minimal outlay is the target… no you cant please ALL of the people ALL of the time, but I am sure they are pleasing MOST of the people MOST of the time, or they would have stopped doing what they do… and dont come back with dropping circulation figures, I’m sure they spend millions on market research and have a good idea of what sells.

Have fun, be safe and keep your mind open.


It’s all model railroading. The title of the magazine is “Model Railroader”, not “Model Railroader 1/48 and Smaller”.

I personally am into both HO scale and 1/20.3 garden railroading. I view the garden railroad as a great way to get outside and meet the neighbors. (The layout is very visible from the street and neighbor’s yards.) I also take a much more laid back approach to the garden layout. With my planned HO scale basement empire, I’m going to be a stickler for prototype accuracy, but outdoors I just run what I feel like.[:)]

MR can’t please everyone, they try to, but you can’t and they know that. I see nothing wrong with a Garden RR in MR, it’s still MODEL railroading, I model HO, but i still enjoy reading stories on N scale and O scale layouts, because you can always pick up idea’s and tips, and adapt it to your scale.
now get off your soapbox and stop whining.

my [2c]


I enjoy seeing every kind of model railroad in MR. If I was only interested in things in my scale or pertaining to my prototype I’d be in serious trouble:

The scale is 1:80 (on 16.5mm track, representing a 42 inch gauge prototype.) The prototype is Japan - the countryside, the infrastructure and the trains.

When was the last time you saw that in MR?

I did consider building an outdoor layout in HOj. 110 degree temperatures and unfiltered desert sunshine drove a stake through that idea’s heart in a hurry. (Notice that I didn’t say Garden Railroad. The only thing that’s grown in my yard since I moved here is a concrete retaining wall.)
