I’ve heard alot of complaints from modelers including myself about a the cost of and or the fact that most of what we buy is made in China. So I’ve thougt of a few questions, a survey if you will.
Let’s say we pay on average about $25 to $35 for an RTR freight car with a high level of detail that is produced largely China.
Question 1 Would you pay more for the same car same level of detail produced entirely in the US? If so how much more?
Question 2 Would you still pay the same $25 to $35 for the same car produced in the US but with less detail. how much less detail I’m not really sure.
I don’t work for a manufacturer. I’m just another model railroader but these questions have always bothered me. Like alot of you guys I’m sure, if at all possible I would like to have American made products but how much more does it really cost to produce the products as we’ve become acustomed to here instead of China, and are we either willing to more or maybe accept less in detail to keep the cost in line with what we currently pay. I would like to here your thoughts.