another question for skeets

To answer your signature Defiance and Henry county Ohio are two good counties. The B&O came through in the 1870’s.
stay safe
Deshler Days next week.[8D]

Hi Joe. Just pulling your chain with that stuff. But it is true; the B&O doesn’t connect with anything…it no longer exists. You can have “13 states” back…I’ll change mine now. Don’t get me wrong…I LIKED B&O. When I started there in '70, you could still see remnants of the class that they were. It’s like walking into a room fifteen minutes after a pipe smoker left; he’s gone, but you can still smell the aroma of his pipe.

Like when the B&O had a double track to Chicago they tore it up to save money and then put it back in years later?
stay safe

By “remnants of the class that they were…”, I mean brass B&O heralds still on some yard power; plated B&O heralds on most of the Budd cars; an original B&O paint scheme showing through the tattered C&O clone job; Camden Station [it DOES look better today, but no longer is a station…]; wagon-top cabooses; wagon-top boxcars in revenue service, and still looking good; the freight yards still in use from their last rebuilding [early 40’s]; handsome B&O passenger equipment in revenue B&O service [some in the hideous C&O slop, but many still in classic B&O] ; B&O designed stations in revenue service; B&O designed block towers still serving their intended function; B&O Color Position Lights EVERYWHERE. I could go on , but you get the idea, Joe. About the only item left in use above is the B&O CPL signals, and CSX is working their way east replacing them with inferior [but cheaper] Seaboard style signals. You stay safe, too, Joe.

i’m sure i’ll get some signal pictures in my trip to Deshler.From Perrys burg to Lima thats the only places where you might find them.
stay safe

We still have CPL’s all through Maryland. There are several spots where the SBD lights have gone in; Viaduct Jct. in Cumberland comes to mind; like wise Bayview interlocking in Baltimore. All new installations are SBD’s, but they haven’t started removing intermediate CPL’s as yet; not in Maryland anyway. We’ve heard locally that the Balto. area will have the last revenue CPL’s before they are finally banished to the museums.

To answer your signature Defiance and Henry county Ohio are two good counties. The B&O came through in the 1870’s.
stay safe
Deshler Days next week.[8D]

Hi Joe. Just pulling your chain with that stuff. But it is true; the B&O doesn’t connect with anything…it no longer exists. You can have “13 states” back…I’ll change mine now. Don’t get me wrong…I LIKED B&O. When I started there in '70, you could still see remnants of the class that they were. It’s like walking into a room fifteen minutes after a pipe smoker left; he’s gone, but you can still smell the aroma of his pipe.

Like when the B&O had a double track to Chicago they tore it up to save money and then put it back in years later?
stay safe

By “remnants of the class that they were…”, I mean brass B&O heralds still on some yard power; plated B&O heralds on most of the Budd cars; an original B&O paint scheme showing through the tattered C&O clone job; Camden Station [it DOES look better today, but no longer is a station…]; wagon-top cabooses; wagon-top boxcars in revenue service, and still looking good; the freight yards still in use from their last rebuilding [early 40’s]; handsome B&O passenger equipment in revenue B&O service [some in the hideous C&O slop, but many still in classic B&O] ; B&O designed stations in revenue service; B&O designed block towers still serving their intended function; B&O Color Position Lights EVERYWHERE. I could go on , but you get the idea, Joe. About the only item left in use above is the B&O CPL signals, and CSX is working their way east replacing them with inferior [but cheaper] Seaboard style signals. You stay safe, too, Joe.

i’m sure i’ll get some signal pictures in my trip to Deshler.From Perrys burg to Lima thats the only places where you might find them.
stay safe

We still have CPL’s all through Maryland. There are several spots where the SBD lights have gone in; Viaduct Jct. in Cumberland comes to mind; like wise Bayview interlocking in Baltimore. All new installations are SBD’s, but they haven’t started removing intermediate CPL’s as yet; not in Maryland anyway. We’ve heard locally that the Balto. area will have the last revenue CPL’s before they are finally banished to the museums.