Well, since photo island shut down, and HP photo dosen’t work, I took Spankybirds suggestion on another forum, and tried Shutterfly and Village photo. Shutterfly didn’t work for me here, but Village photo did. Very easy. I recommend it to all.
Will village photos let you post pictures on the forum or just us links? Village wil not take my picture size where Shutterfly does but I have to use links for Shutterfly.
Dave, I am glad that VillagePhoto works for you. What broswer are you using [?]
I use MSN Explore and with checking the properities, and picking the URL Shutterfly work here great. I use them all the time.
CB - when you say VillagePhoto does not take your picture size what do you mean? They might have a maximum picture file limitation (in kilobytes) but I have no trouble uploading mine. I resize them (in Photoshop) to 640X480 and most of mine end up being around 70 KB.
Nice pic Jim,
VillagePhoto has a limit of 100kb file size, so you have to resize your pic to reduce file size.
I’ve been using VillagePhoto for two-three weeks now and haven’t had many problems except for the resizing issue. Once I figured that out everything has worked well.
Remember: you are what you eat, Happy Thanksgiving.
I use regular old Microsoft interent explorer 6.
Hi Dave,
Then Shutterfly should work for you. Here check out this link and see if it helps
Hay, it works!!! Thanks Tom!!!
I am glad we could help