Another Short Line falls victim to predatory land abuse.

In these hard economic times another short line has begun to sell off some of it’s assets, having lost most of its right of way to eminent domain as residential/industrial growth has over grown the previous transportation corridors. Borracho Springs Railroad has lost most of its trackage over the last couple of years, and currently has more engines and Mack’s than footage of track. Rosebud Falls Scenic Railways is proud to announce that it has just succeeded in negotiations with Borracho Springs Railroad to acquire two of Borracho Springs excess motive units.

Burgers and Beer arrive at Chateau de Vic. “Former Borracho Springs Mini-Goose has been pressed into service delivering burgers, beer, and other essential supplies to the top of the mountain eatery.” Douglas Flatbottom (President & CEO RbFSRy) announcing the new arrivals stated that “the Mini-Goose would expedite delivers of supplies and consumables to the lodge and other small businesses with greater efficiency than the previously required road engine and boxcar.” Mr. Flatbottom declared that the cost of deliveries to the chateau will be significantly reduced with the acquisition of the mini-goose."

Mr. Flatbottom also acknowledged the arrival of a maintenance truck. “Track maintenance crews will no longer be required to use the handcar while inspecting and servicing the railways right of way. This new piece of maintenance equipment will allow work crews to cover more miles of track each day than previously possible.” Mr. Flatbottom said, “The overall number of right of way maintenance personnel will be cut in half simply by being able to cover more miles of track per day.” Mr. Flatbottom assured all that were present that "no employee of the RbFSRy will loose their job due to the acquisition of the new equipment. One mainten

Looks good and with a story li[yeah]ne to boot! Story lines make it all come to life instead of just being trains running around

It was a busy day railfaning at Rosebud Falls City Park.

Hi Trigg, Nice video Please do one of the rest of your layout, seem a great way to spend free time. [tup]

To paraphrase Mark Twain:

“The rumors of my lines eminent demise are greatly exaggerated” [;)]

But Tom was right about one thing, I’ve kinda kitbashed myself into a corner and ran out of room![:O]

Tom’s been asking for a while, and I was glad to send these guys to a new home where they’ll get more room to run than on my crowded little layout. [:D]

They look great on the layout Tom, glad your enjoying them.[8D]

Two Tone:

She Who Must Be Obeyed has declared that NO PHOTOS shall be allowed until the new vegetation takes hold. I had to hide the camera to film the runs up the “high bridge” to Chateau de Vic. Have a look at previous pics over at photbucket.


Hey guy, I thought it made for a good story line. Especially since you had to dig up the backyard layout to make room for the house remodel. As for your comment on YouTube “BTW thats one heckova alot steeper grade than they ever had to endure here on their home line LOL” To give you an idea of the grade I figure it is a 14.2% grade. Yes that violates everything known to mankind as far bridge building. The track circles Rosebud Falls City Park almost flat on a half circle of R1. Then it starts the run to the top of the hill, distance traveled 189 inches, and height climbed 27 inches. Along the way there is an “S” curve where the bridgework crosses the mainline on a pair of R0.75 curved sections (I took two pieces of R1, dismounted the rails and ran them through the rail bender to tighten them up a touch.) They both pull the hill with almost no effort, as “trucks”.

I can’t believe you got Flatbottom to part with a nickle! Poor Vic, had to part with them in this economic climate; he probably had to sell at the bottom of the market! By the way, I’m selling a bargain supply of Chewing gum and bailing wire if Turn Arench needs supplies! TJ is having a special on trackwork machinery. Don’t forget that you have partners in the Dixie D and the Roundtuit& Faraway!

you must have made over 75K. Shame on you…

Capt. Bob:

Thanks for the offer, but Mr. Arench reports ample on hand quantities of bubble gum and barbed wire. Rumor has it that old Flatbottom had extensive coercion applied by Mrs. Flatbottom who had been complaining about the noise of the road engine pushing one boxcar by her house and up the hill to the chalet. Speculation has it that she put a blanket and pillow on the couch downstairs for him, until such time as he found another method of delivering the goods.


You know, Obamas plan to tax everybody who makes over 75k out of existance. Your railroad must have made over 75K and the wealth was redistributed to the rightful owners…

Guess you haven’t read your copy of the share holders annual report! After payroll expenses, share dividends, acquisition amortization, local/county property and equipment taxes, Rosebud Falls Scenic Railways reported a net loss of $1.97 for the operating year 2008. Thus setting RbFSRy in line for a $2K stimulus expansion package from the Administration. N.R.A.B. (National Railroad Administration Board) has decreed that RbFSRy must complete the planned expansion out to and beyond Green Apple Orchard in not less than the next four years. Equipment must be contracted for construction/purchase to operate upon this expansion within the next twelve months. RbFSRy gratefully thanks both The Dixie D and Roundtuit and Faraway railroads for their support by paying their massive federal taxes.

The DDSL does not pay taxes. We instead give equivelent monies to ACORN and the National Endowment for the Arts. In return the government has given us Gitmo and George Clooney.

RT&F hasn’t made money since our trusted agent came back from his middle eastern sojourn! We can no longer sell our unwanted junk locomotives to the distant inhabitants at a sickeningly gross profit without our smooth tounged representative on location! We too are paddling hard, but the excrement keeps flowing downstream preventing us from getting back up!

We have been forced to take a loan to complete the new bridge supplied by Walnut Creek Fabrications! Hopefully it will be ready be 1 May, so that we can get across the river to service the other side! Then we may turn a small profit (that is if we can’t find a way to hide the $$$$)!

Our crack team of accountants, “Cheatem & Co” have recently been disbarred from representing clients before the Infernal Revenue Service; therefore, we have approached “Dodgem & Assoc.” to take over our account!

Unlike our brother railroads, RbFSRy has added a third major revenue service. Freight and long haul passenger service have long been standard fare for income. RbFSRy has recently picked up on local and mid distance tourist traffic. Wedding receptions and fishing tours have made the eatery atop the hill (Chateau de Vic) a popular outing day trip. Scheduled service to the top of the hill has increased six fold. Predawn service is available for scheduling on an as contracted basis.


Due to short sighted marketing, poor management, inferior products and services, coupled by years of not investing revenues and overextending credit, the DDSL has just qualified for a 1.2 billion dollar government bail out grant. We will squander the money, as always, on executive vacations to the islands, stock market scams and ponzi schemes, and assure all our investors that when the money is gone the government will simply give us more. The DDSL has hit upon a guaranteed financial success formula and intends to follow that proven profitable business methodology in the future.

Thank you for choosing the DDSL for all your railroad needs! Remember our motto: We always do it right the second time!


Due to short sighted marketing, poor management, inferior products and services, coupled by years of not investing revenues and overextending credit, the DDSL has just qualified for a 1.2 billion dollar government bail out grant. We will squander the money, as always, on executive vacations to the islands, stock market scams and ponzi schemes, and assure all our investors that when the money is gone the government will simply give us more. The DDSL has hit upon a guaranteed financial success formula and intends to follow that proven profitable business methodology in the future.

Thank you for choosing the DDSL for all your railroad needs! Remember our motto: We always do it right the second time!

So telling us twice will not get double the funds.

Yes it will, yes we can.

Triggy, He’s just getting used to having to tell all the kids everything twice! Starting to sound like a stutter! The girls are too much for the old Sarge, boy stuff don’t work on them!