Another sneak peak at my Polar Express in HO scale

Here are some more sneak peeks at my HO scale Polar Express. My custom decals came today and I have been a busy beaver. Without a good home layout, its hard to get a nice full train pic. So, here is shot of the 1225 on the mantle and one of the RPO/Baggage car. My Polar Express will be 6 cars long, RPO/Baggage, Diner, Pullman, Coach, Coach, Observation. I am still doing the body work on the custom rounded end Observation car. I have my plan in place to get the roof with the rear facing light, I am still searching for some thin brass railing that I can form into the rounded shape. Enjoy the pics. Mike and Michele T

That looks really nice, perfect for under the tree this holiday season. Might need a big oval for the passenger cars. Great idea though and good work.

Being only HO scale, running under the tree would mean certian death from dogs and dog hair. Running on the huge club layout at christmas time is more like it. Still getting the bugs out of the old brass engine, didnt run well at the shop tonight, lots of power pickup issues in the tender, I will deal with that tomorrow. Whats really neat, the original reciept for the train was in the box, dated 11/24/1962 made out to his wife and signed by her, sold for $49.50 back then. I am guessing it was a Christmas Present back then. Just a neat piece of history with the model, and I left it neatly folded in the box where its been since then. Cheers Mike

Seeing as hhow I just noticed the Kokomo IN under your sig, what club are you refferring too?

We have a club out near Center Indiana, 15’ by 50’ layout based on the old Clinchfield Railroad. 5 main line cabs, CTC dispatched, working coal mine where we load cars with a flood loading tower, working rotary dump for unloading certain trains, 20’ vertical staging yard for off line trains. Layout is operated with a car card forwarding system to route traffic on and off the layout. Many cars are interchanged with members home layouts each week. There are 3 divisions on the layout, a huge main yard with working turntable and roundhouse. Guests are welcome with prior appointment. We operate each Saturday 7-11pm. I will be there tonight, but several members are on vacation so it will be a slow night. Works good for me, I can do some tunning on my Berkshire, I lack a home layout to test it on. Here are some pics of the club’s layout. Mike