Another stab at a track plan

I’ve been attempting to design a 4x8 layout that allows me to model a little bit of industry, town, mountain and water scenes and still provide good operational opportunity. I’ve been taking your ideas and modifying the plans. I’m going to repost a couple of my favorite older plans as well as two new ones. I’d appreciate more feedback, especially about the two new plans, which are at the bottom of this post. Thanks!

Very simple but a short run-around track:

Longer run-around track but a short switchback:

One of the new ones:

The other new one. Very similar, added a track and changed position of some buildings:

EDIT: I’ve added another one, this one is based on a track plan posted in another thread. Basically all I’ve done is added a turnout on the right hand side to accommodate future expansion. Feedback appreciated.

IMHO this thread is placed in the wrong forum.

When you pick a design from the web you could mention the one who designed it. Copy-right issues, beside being polite, might apply here, since Byron Henderson (Cuyama) is a professional layout designer.

Besides his Falls Mill plan I love his Californian Dream.

One of my irritations in the poll were remarks like: I prefer the Virginian cause it has extensions. If those could not be added to Cuyama’s Falls Mill track plan. Personally I would add a staging addition to Falls Mill, as is done on MR’s Virginian plan, from the very start.
