Did he read the sign before he attempted to cross? Most crossings like this have a sign that says hump crossing trucks prohibited. He did not read the sign and he attempted to cross here.
If you are in a truck do not cross at a hump crossing or you will hang up and cause a derailment.
That 90 degree right turn is a real trap. The driver probably could not even get perpendicular to the track. street appears to even be single lane maybe due to snow. Probably could not even look to the right to see a train coming. But ignored blinking signal. Also, the trailer tandem wheels were not moved full forward. That helps a lot for drivers to handle tight curve work.
The train crew almost got the train stopped. Probably only 120 - 140 feet beyond crossing.
Slightly off topic. Noticed that the code line poles are already overgrown with taller trees. Another location for trees to fall onto tracks.
They are in the US too - however, truck drivers need to read the signs that tell them they are not allowed.
Fully expect the driver had missed a turn or two some miles back in his route and was now totally lost and looking for a way, any way, out of his predicament. Most likely had a low grade GPS unit fit for passenger cars only and followed its recommendations.
Fully expect the driver had missed a turn or two some miles back in his route and was now totally lost and looking for a way, any way, out of his predicament. Most likely had a low grade GPS unit fit for passenger cars only and followed its recommendations.