Another Tsunami Update

Hello all: I just finished ordering a LocoBuffer USB unit from an online hobby shop. I talked to the owner and asked them what the status of the long-awaited Tsunami diesel sound decoder is. This person said that they talk to SoundTraxx at least three times a week so here’s what they learned: One of the reasons for the delay is SoundTraxx is looking for another qualified engineer to add to staff. They only have 9 people working in their shop so they’re pretty overwhelmed. Another reason is they had a major faux pas with their circuit board supplier so that set them back big-time. Now they’re having trouble with suppliers meeting shipping schedules. My source said SoundTraxx is a bunch of very nice people who realize that folks are very upset with the delays. However, the next time schedule allegedly is May of '07. So, take it for what’s its worth. The hobby shop asked me not to use their name.

the goat

gn goat,

Thanks for the update on the Tsunami diesel sound decoders. Release delays bother me far less than receiving an inferior, unreliable, or disappointing product. Given the choice, I would gladly and patiently wait…


I am glad someone has reported they are looking for an engineer. The main person on the Tsunami project went to Digitrax prior to the steam beta version being released.

I would hope to see some great products from Digitraxx also in the future from that engineer. Maybe we will get some new options from both companies.

I had the occasion to talk to Soundtrax technical support when the first Tsunami’s came out. My first installation and the subsequent programming problems that I encountered with the articulated chuffs led me to call them and they returned calls several times, but could not offer any solutions since they had lost the person that engineered the software.

If you expect the DCC drive on the Tsunami to be great, you are in for a big disappointme

Wow…why are you dissing a product that has yet to be released?

My Tsunami Steamers run great…aparently you dont know how to tweek them properly.


[#ditto] although I can’t say I’m all that glad . . . or patient! But SoundTraxx has a history of not releasing anything until they’re sure it’s right.

That’s good to know David. Did you do the sound installation and in what loco’s? I had hoped to get comments from members who have Bachmann Spectrum steam loco’s with factory-installed Tsunami sound (earlier post) but none received so far, maybe too few out on the RR’s yet?

I’ve decided not to wait anymore and ordered a sound-equipped Spectrum 2-8-0 today, which should be on the Grizzly Northern rails in about three weeks.

Maybe I’ll think differently after I hear a Tsunami diesel but what is already available in diesel sound is outstanding and this isn’t something I am too concerned about. It will get here when it gets here. That’s soon enough for me. This isn’t like when Walthers announced their first built up 130’ turntable which didn’t arrive until more than two years after it was first scheduled to be available. I couldn’t complete my engine terminal until it arrived. Now that was a big deal.

jecorbett but wasnt waiting for the 130’ TT well worth it? I ask you not isnt it a nice smooth running indexed fine piece of machinery? Where else can you get a TT that runs is built already and uses either dc or dcc? let along on DCC it reverse te signal to match the tracks around it?

I, don’t know, so I will wait until I can hear one. I have a B unit with a soundtraxx setup and to me it sounds like crackling cellophane. If I down the volume to the point it fades out the crackling, I can barely hear the other sounds. Any ideas? jc5729

I don’t understand the negative stuff I’ve seen concerning the Tsunami steam decoders. I consider myself to be a DCC Neaderthal and I’ve managed to install 5 of them in 3 different brands of HO steamers with very little problems. Everything works great and the sound is the best I’ve heard.

I would think waiting for the Tsunami diesel decoders would be preferable to the systems now on the market from what I’ve heard. It seems no one is happy with the MRC’s in their Athearns. Personally I don’t care for the Digitrax method of downloading sounds from my computer. I have the Digitrax Super Empire Builder and if their sound is as complex and confusing as their plain DCC then I definitely don’t want anything to do with it.

I don’t know if the Tsunami has any problems with articulated sounds but I had no problems getting the exhaust to sync with my 2 cyl engines.


Sounds like something’s wrong with the speaker or wiring. I’ve got several older SoundTraxx diesels, and they all sound good (I used to think they sounded great, until I got some Tsunami steam!). I’d look for a bad solder joint, broken wire making intermittent contact, torn speaker cone, bits of metal or something in the speaker. Doesn’t sound like an installation problem, but I guess anything’s possible. Something loose in the B unit shell? But definitely not normal SoundTraxx performance.