Another weekend has come and gone and . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . we now only have approximately 96 hours until we can commence another WPF brouhaha!!!

Perhaps we should practice truth in advertising and change the name of the thread to WWF and be done with it. [B)]

Oy-vey! I got home tonight and had to clear the better part of a hundred cranky, childish email notifications out of my inbox.

Not only is our hobby supposed to be fun, but Labor Day as well. It’s a sad state of affairs when this is the best way some people can find to spend a three day holiday weekend. [D)]

This steaming pile of weekend threads is part of the reason I’ve been showing up to much less frequently lately.

Well, at least drop by mid-week, after the CSI-Milwaukee team has hauled away the evidence and other rubble. Maybe we need to move Photo Fun to Wednesdays so we’ll have some protection from he-who-always-changes-his-name.

I’m planning to spend my weekends modelling and running trains. And I’ll go skiing once the snow flies. But, I hope N minus one or two of us sticks around. We still have a lot of good times ahead of us.

Before you post something, just remember last year when Kalmbach shut down the forums for a week or so because they were getting out of hand. Bergie or whoever the powers that be may decide to pull the plug again if people continue the current trend of nastiness.

Yah. Me too. I figured the weekends are not that important and can wait until the workweek.

I’m seriously considering posting my pics on another forums WPF. They’ve seen my pics and like how I’m improving and invited me to come over to their side of the fence. They asked me to keep the forum name confidential and I’m going to. I’ve already registered there.

This will be my only comment on this past weekend’s forum meltdown. I’m not usually around the forum on weekends and try to catch up on Monday mornings (in this case Tuesday). I also don’t usually try to insert myself in topics that jump the tracks. But wow, I’ve been here for a few years and what happened last weekend is pretty close to the low water mark around here.

What disappoints me the most is not necessarily the dunderhead that started the trouble, rather it’s the numerous regular members that jumped in to add fuel to the fire. I think that most of the trouble that occurred this past weekend could have been a small issue if people would just learn to ignore inflammatory posts, because replying to them (and creating numerous related topics) only makes the mess far worse.

How hard is it to understand that these people (trolls) are in it to get a reaction? This is what they get their jollies from. If we don’t pay attention to them, and let the moderators take care of them, then they won’t have much of a reason to come back.

The bottom line is that while a troll was responsible for firing the first shot, I think we (the regular members of this forum) were ultimately responsible for most of the mess that ensued.

I agree with you MAbruce, I’ve been saying it for awhile now. Its always the same members that feed the fire. To be honest I think they are worse then the trolls. If somebody doesn’t like your pics or your work and they have less then 30 posts then its a good chance they are looking to start something. GET OVER IT. Everybody knows who the regular posters are and who the idiots are.

Thanks to a couple of members on THIS forum.

…that is unfortunately taking on the less salutary characteristics of a circus.

Major heatwave here in LA, about 100degrees in my workbench area, which is next to the computer, in the one place the AC doesnt reach, 90 degrees at night.

So I missed all the brewhaha…

Lucky me…

You didn’t miss much.

If the hoopla was about the WPF thread, all I can say is what a tempest in a teacup![(-D]

Thats nothin’ compared to the nuclear wars that have gone on in the past! [(-D]

I will admit I’m getting sick and tired of bad mouthers and I became one this weekend targeting the trolls I gave fuel to the fire and a lot of it. I personally believe if you cant say anything nice dont say it at all but when someone jumps down on someone and tell him things look like [censored] because the other person can afford this and that and there talents are higher the other guy who is getting badgered needs help.

The only way to cure such an issue which seems to happen when Bergie is gone 9weeknights and weekends) is to make a normal poster who has common sense,and knows how to treat people into a moderator or maybe have 4 people.

I left this forum mostly for my summer hobby which is fishing I came back every now and then and saw trolls and figured whats the use. now I’m back into figuring things out on the layout and wanting to work on it, catch up with some people I havent talked to for awhile and see whats new. All I found new where people putting each other down.

I’ve never looked at the WPF thread until yesterday, I was surprised to say the least, where do people get off critisizing others for their work? I’m used to being berated and getting smart mouth posts because I voice an opinion that someone doesn’t like, but when I saw the nasty potty mouthed trash that was being hurled last weekend, it was apppaling!!

I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole forum got a cool off period, I also think some permanent bans are in order for the potty mouth posts.

. . . . . . . . . . since the forum is going to be down next Sunday this appears to be a very good time to schedule my annual nervous breakdown!!!

Richly deserved, I assure you. Have a good one! [:D]

Better be quick about it, R.T. It’ll only be down for five hours.

Maybe the’re going to add Troll Repellent…[:-^]