Answer to nickel silver won't tin

I recieved lots of good info on my problem. As today I purchased new flux core solder and repeated the procedure on newer track and had no problems with sweating the track. I believe my solder was too old and would not flow. Thank everyone for there help. I’m back in business.

lippy, congrats!

It is always refreshing to read about problems being resolved.


Hi Rich

I retired as a plmbg pipefitter haveing had solder in the garage for years in Mi. I know it will oxedize and not be any good. My father had plmb. in a bathroom in his garage that he never used or ran water too when he passed I took the copper out and was able to pull the joints apart by hand after close inspection the copper was tinned correctly. But this was atleast tweny years later. I believe temperature might help with this problem as he never heated the garage.

the track I was useing was old, I had bought at a trade show I might not have been able to clean it enough. but it was n/s Thanks for your time