[:D]Is there something new about the Forum that I should be aware of? I’ve been trying to answer a PM on my account for several days, but the new format doesn’t seem to want to allow it. If anyone has any hints about how to get around this, I’d surely appreciate it. This is the first time I’ve ever had any trouble like this.
If these messages arrives as e-mails from trains,com, You can’t reply to them from your regular e-mail.The return address is listed as noreply@trains.com
What I’ve had to do, including today Tom, is you have to login into the forums. Underneath where your name appears on the rt side, there is “messages”. Click on that, and it will show all the messages in there with a chance to answer them.
I have no trouble getting into the PM on my “Messages” site, but I can’t get the “reply” box to work. It won’t allow me to actually type out my return message. Very weird, this has never happened to me before.
That is weird, Tom. I double-checked my Message page and I can type characters into the text box with no problem. Maybe this is one to run past Customer Service.
The messaging hasn’t always kinda sorta sometimes worked right.
It works about as well as that sentence says it does.^
I thought they had most of the bugs ironed out, so yes, I would contact customer service and see what they say.
I DO know, at least for me, anyway, that while I get an e-mailed alert to a message{s}, the message alert at teh top of the page rgiht here under the green box STILL gives me NO CLUE a message is waiting!
I think this new “Off the shelf, out of the box” {as Steve Otte called it} last upgrade they bought/got/acquired/stole still does not seem to work right for everybody.
On ipad, I have to some times click file > new document on the message reply window before I can type the message. But it works when I type and click submit. It was strange.
Well, I’ve tried just about everything I can think of, and no luck, the answer box won’t activate. I’ll have to contact customer service and find out what’s going on. In the meantime, if DeLuxe is reading this particular thread, the answer to what would have been a PM, had the forum allowed it is: No, an older United Santa Fe 2-10-4 will NOT take a 20" radius in any way, shape or form. The drivers are a scale 70" , so if you’re expecting anyhing less than about a 32" minimum radius without either slowing down or a derailment, you’re out of luck. Bachmann did a plastic Santa Fe 2-10-4 a few years ago that could take a 20" radius, but other than that, I’m afraid you’re flat out of luck. Sorry about that.
I haven’t had a problem accessing or answering messages in my personal ‘Conversations’ area. What bugs me is that the Messages marker will display red even though the most recent entry in the category died of frostbite last winter.
[EDIT - it went out while I was typing. ???!!!***]