Antiques and Toy Train show Binghamton NY This weekend

The Binghamton Sertoma Club Presents its 29 Annual Million Dollar Antique show and Toy train show at the Binghamton University Events center, Vestal Parkway-Rt 434, connected from Rt 201 at exit 70S off Rt17/I86.

It will be April 16 and 17, 2011.

Admission is $7 both days. Hours are Sat- 10AM-500pm and SUnday 10am-4pm. Parking is free.

It will have operating layouts-we saw one Lionel operating on the news last night.

Dunno if “toy trains” will mean mostly Lionel, but did see an HO booth on the news last night.

for more info try or call (607) 771-6026

ANd of course antiques may keep the wife busy! Bring an antique for apppraisal for free Sunday 12-4pm!

Come one, come all and have a fun day!

The sertoma club raises money for its summer camp program for children with disabilities:the Sertoma Club seeks to support speech and hearing programs, increase services for people with communication disorders, and support other worthy, compelling causes such as youth development.

{I am not affiliated with the Sertoma club nor do I derive any benefits}

50 years ago I attended Camp Sertoma through the Binghamton Boys’ Club.


Basically as far as trains go, It was a bust. Very little trains there, mostly used “junk” or old “new stock” in boxes. and about 8 tables or booths for the trains. There were 3 layouts of Lionel and O guage trains running.

The rest was antiques- one row of furniture and the rest was all jewelry and glass stuff.

They recently added the trains, so maybe it will grow as word gets out???

Sad to say. But was a good time looking at stuff, I guess.