Hello everyone, I model BNSF, BN, GN, SP&S, NP, CB&Q. I have a 13’ x 18’ HO scale layout, with a helix at each end. Would love to here from others with the same interest. Also a railfan. Love to chase those trains. [:)]
Yes Ironrail,i model BNSF H.O scale also ,with those i also modle chicago north western,i merged bnsf with c&nw rather then union pacific,
I love my BNSF Line…
I am building a new layout modeling BNSF’s Wichita Falls sub in North Texas in Summer, 2000. I model from the interchange with WT&J at Wichita Falls through Bowie, Decatur, Saginaw (my largest industrial switching area and yard, so I call the layout the Saginaw & Western), and Fort Worth. It is a point to point that connects through double ended staging to allow continuous running. Right not the benchwork is complete, I am finishing basic scenic forms and beginning backdrop and fascia. I hope to begin actual track laying by the end of Summer and hope to have the main running by next Spring.
I currently don’t have a layout but I do collect BNSF models. Even though I wi***hat I did have a layout.
n2mopac, I was in Wichita Falls, TX last Summer. My son was Stationed at Sheppard AFB there. I did some train chasing arounfd the area. Got some nice shots of BNSF, WT&J while I was there. Also visited the railway musem there . Had some nice engines and old rolling stock.
I am starting to build my second BNSF layout in HO. It will be based on the BNSF through Arizona. I change to modeling the BNSF about 10 yrs ago. I have a friend that sends me pictures of the BNSF (also DM&E, IC&E and UP ) S. Dakota alot so I am tempted to change locations.
It is a great place to model, although the emphasis on my layout is Saginaw. One drive through saginaw and you would think it was designed to model–many industries to switch within a few hundred feet of the main clumped tightly together within a mile of North Yard. All in all this sub is a modelers dream.
Nuts about the BNSF or is it an illness?
I model the BNSF Line from WA to CA in a 40’ X 24’ Basement. Out of that space there is a support wall running down the center and I couldn’t take over my wife’s laundry room and the path to it. What it ends up leaving me is two main rooms 12’ X 34’ and 12’ X 20’ for my layout that I have linked together by cutting 10’ of the main support and installing a laminated header from Boise Cascade. That left me with one big room with places for nice sweeping S curves.
My layout has two levels and in the larger of the two rooms there is a nice 6’ deep X 11’ long cove that stick out for my living room leaving me an area for an island for my main pass to get to the upper level. I use all Peco Concrete sleepers for the mains, single track with 2800 (min) scale feet timber sidings. I have double mains up the 1.25 scale mile pass @ 1.7% and a 2% on the single main with passing siding in the 12’ X 20’ room. I use 2 Kato SD40-2 Snoot Nosed Santa Fe’s for the helper district on the 2% pass line. On the one nose I clipped the knuckle off the coupler for pusher service so I can release on the fly and head back down on the siding if there is no train in it. I have a regular coupler on the end leaving it suitable for helper service in air and breaking for mixed, intermodal, tank trains, and what ever else needs it. I have my main yard at the bottom of the 1.7% pass and helper service there is only needed if power has problems or for friends that come over for the first time to run on Friday nights not realizing the power needs for getting a 40 car double stack or 50 car grains and coal up to summit. Total concrete on main lines is 13.5 scale miles and I can’t tell you what the timber track is, I bought different brands and can’t tell you how many full pieces I used (I’m still not done laying also).
I have a small hand full of UP Trains, one a passenger executive train 4 E7’s and 15 cars. I have a UP mixed freight inspired by a rail buddy giving me some