Any interesting stories behind the names of the trains?

On other posts it has been talked about what pre-Amtrak trains were the favourites. I found this evry helpful. [;)] Then I began to wonder if there were interesting stories behind some of these interesting names? [?]

I realize many are names of cities they went to/from, or were a good marketing name to go with the advent of streamliners, but I was wondering if there are other stories out there, that the local “up over” Forum Folk know about?

E.g. does the name “Sunset Limited” only refer to the time that the train ran, (into the sunset…) or is there more to it? Or am I just a hopeless romantic? [:I][:I] ha ha! [:I] [;)]

Thanks for your help…[;)]


The Cardinal is a New York to Chicago train. I believe it got is name due to most of the states that the train passes through has the Cardinal as its state bird.