Do I need to have DCS-2 controls to get the most out of my new MTH locomotive? I am using a Z1000 transformer with it.
If I need to use a DCS system, can I unplug it when not in use & still have it retain the memory? My part of the country is prone to severe lightnings storms
during the spring & summer. In the winter the voltage drops as there are so many snow-birds down here and this causes brown outs or loss of power in certain areas.
Lee Fritz
To get the most of your PS2 engine, yes DCS is the way to go. As far as memory…that is all held in the engine. My DCS is hooked into a power switch that turns off the whole layout. When I repower all settings are the same as when I shut it off.
Thanks for the info, do I need to have the hand held remote also? Just one more question. What if I unplug the power supply for the whole layout for a few days or weeks? The reason I say weeks is because after a hurricane hits we lose power for at least ten to twenty days with FPL, Florida Power & Light aka Flickering Powerless & Lightless! I don’t like to take chances with the electric power down here so I unplug everything I can unless needed.
Lee Fritz
Yes you will need the HH. They do sell the TIU sperately but they also sell them packaged with the remote which is what you would want. Powering down for weeks should not be a problem but as we all know by now MTH engines all have the infamous batteries. For PS2 engines the only thing that might happen is the address will reset to default and when you use the system again it might not find it until you let the battery charge up in the engine and then re add it to the remote. But as long as your battery is well charged you’ll be fine. My Decapod had been sitting on the shelf for about 6 mos and it was fine when I used it again.
Thanks for the info again, I am running an MTH Reading T-1 locomotive.
Just for your info I went to a High School just north of Reading PA, and I am interested in Pennsylvania Railroads. My grandfather worked for the Reading Company as a building maitenance man & retired from the Reading Company.
Lee Fritz
My PS2 engines often sit for months without being on the track. Never had a problem starting up. At the club sometimes folks have engines that have sat for over a year. We just sit the engine on a powered siding and in about 45 minutes it runs just like new.
Jim H
At $250 the DCS/remote is not cheap. However, it is a good value for the money. It gives you remote control, whistle, and bell for all your conventional locomotives and the sounds and features on the PS2 engines are MUCH easier to operate. It was well worth the cost to me. It also makes running multiple PS2 engines all at the same speed much easier.
Jim H
The biggest thing DCS needs is a cloneing cable so that multiple remotes can be cloned. They also needs to be a way for the HH info to be stored to a laptop. That way when you clone your HH for a friend’s or club layout, you can restore it to your setup! Cloneing though must be able to be done without a PC.
What is meant by cloneing on the DCS system?
Lee F.