Any other EMD swicher fans out there???

I’m a big fan of early sw and nw series. I’ve had the privlage to work around sw1’s and even an nw5 ( which for those who don’t know is like a nw2 except that it has a steam generator compartment in short hood on oposit side of cab from engine, verry rare only 13 ever built) Please tell stories about any experances with EMD’s.

SW1’ s for ever![oX)]


Yes for sure. I run one (SW9) every once and a while, and it is just a cool unit. We don’t really use it as a switchter that much, but more to run some passenger cars back and forth, so she’s got an easy live with us.
We maintain it ourselves as well, which is cool to do, and given that we don’t really run during the winter, it means maintainance season just arrived …[:D]

We have a 1947 NW2 where I work,it’s ex GN.I never had a chance to run it but its fun to go for cab rides.I have spent time running a small GE,also enjoyable.

I really like watching MP15 work Proviso, but my all time favorite switcher is the

NW 5

I thing they look sharp in Cascade Green! [:p]

Having grown up in an area served by the IHB, I couldn’t help but be a fan of EMD switchers. My tastes run to the various 645-powered high cab switchers: SW1000, SW1500, MP15, MP15AC and MP15T. Seeing and hearing a trio of EMD’s drag a long line of coil flats through downtown Hammond will long be remembered.

the NW5 listed above for chris’s imformation is restored as gn 192 and is located and operates on the Lake Superior Railroad Museaum’s Noth Shore Senic Rail (Duluth m,n) every summer, if you know max he can give you more information.[oX)]

I have seen it! [:p] it rocks!!!

BOOOOO! GN ALL THE WAY!! Jeez Chris, priorities, man, priorities! BN is a cool road but GN is better. BTW what was up with BN painting some of their switchers blue and gold/silver?

Switchers…trains…it’s all good…
I’m quite partial to the mid production SWs in CP tuscan Red and Grey…
But yes, those NW5s are pretty sharp looking - in both GN and BN!

Chris, I dont know if I can forgive you for that GN hating comment! LOL JK Not really, but… JK

I finally got my signature of my favorate loco. a SW1[:D][:D][:D][:D]

Switchers are cool. I think my favorite is the MP15AC. Cant beat rusty SOO bandits! I like teh SW1500 and the SW1200 too. SW1’s are pretty neat.


Dude, I dont hate the GN!!! I love the GN, my dad has GN models…I just like the BN better[:I][8D][:D][:)][:p][8D] Please, Max can you ever forgive me??? [;)]


Ohhh Max, Kale and James…This summer I went to the museam yall volunteer at in Duluth Michigan!!! Rode on a train behing a Soo GP30 and saw your cool museam… next time I am down there, I will call you guys!!!

Duluth,MINNESOTA BTW!!! lol yep, was it on a friday?

Ohh crap. Duluth Minnesota!!! Sorry Max, I am tired [|)][D)][zzz] No, It was on a Sunday…you have a fine museam up there!!


Yes, and an SD45!!! One of my favorites!!!

The thing that bugs me about you saying they look sharp in BN green is that they looked like crap in BN green because BN didnt give a d*** about them and they got really dirty because of it.
like the sig?

Not a huge fan, but the good ol, SW1200’s are a fave of mine.
I had the privledge of working with a pair this summer, while I was training at CP on the marpole(south Vancouver) and van horne(Richmond) spurs. CP1239 and CP1241 were the units in the red Beaver scheme.
I have also worked with the SRY900 and SRY903 last year while on a student ride along day, at the Southern Railway of BC’s Trap road yard.

There are quite a few of EMD switchers still in use in the Vancouver Area. BNSF has quite a few (sw1200&sw1500) in both the Green/White BN style and the Orange/Black BNSF style. Southern Rail of BC has a bunch (SW1200&MP15DC)in the normal blue Washington group style. CP has 5 units(SW1200), most beaver and 1 multimark style. United Grain Growers has a light blue (SW??) unit for switching their elevator.
For a really weird Switcher, Does anyone know what a Hunslet is? There are 4 at Agricore United (grain elevator)


My gosh duluth is taking over! haha are kale and james on here now too??? You guys should see this switcher that AMD has in Red Wing, MN… i think it is an SW7 with an alco cab… really ugly… gotta love those SW1’s…