Anybody experience "apprehension"?

I recently got back into “piddling” with my old N scale layout that has been packed away for about 17 years. Most of my old loco’s don’t run too good, except for my P2K “Heritage” Y3 2-8-8-2, which is just a great little engine. So, I set out to buy some new steamers. My first endeavor was a Spectrum N&W J class 4-8-4 that I got from Trainworld for $70-something. Well this is a beautiful engine, but here comes the “Bachmann Apprehension”. Bachmann/Spectum seems to be good on design, but oh so “iffy” on assembly. After LOTS of “fine-tuning”, I now have a great-running loco. I’ve NEVER seen anything pull like this one does! My next purchase was a Spectrum Consolidation. APPREHENSION justified again! I’ve had to do SERIOUS modifications on this one. the pilot wheels were mounted too close to the cylinders, which caused a short around my tight turns. Had to extend the pivot point on the truck to allow free travel. Had to do a lot of adjustment on the drive mechanism to free-up the binding. By the way, do NOT remove the motor-cap on the rear of the motor (as a review in MR suggested)! It can cause the motor to become VERY noisy! Now I’ve just received The Spectrum Jclass 611 “Excursion” with auxilliary tender (my first one was #601). It is a BEAUTIFUL little set-up, but I have that “dreaded” apprehension setting in! Will it run? Will it run RIGHT? And what am I gonna have to DO to make it run RIGHT?? You just never know anymore, do you?

I suppose we all have apprehensions at one time or another. When buying anything, especially these days where there is not a brick and mortor store to stand in and talk to folks, I think we all get a bit nervous.

First thing I would think is that if I bought it new and it did not run properly Ii would contact the manufacturer, regardless of brand. It should run right, right out of the box.

If your experience with a certain type or brand of product has found a flawed product, I suspect this would increase the fears.

Most of the brands I can think of have improved their products image since I first dabbled in the hobby years ago. In order to stay in business they have had to.

Suggestion, if your older locos are not operating after their long vacation, have you tried a cleaning and lube to get the hardened grease out of the mechanisms. You might be able to find a few that will still go if given half a chance.

Good luck,


I don’t know…Should I??? [*-)]


No, they are just toys. It is just a hobby. It is not worth being apprehensive over.

My major apprehension involves brass – and not locomotives, but cabooses. Overland imported some painted bay window C&NW cabooses in a red paint scheme that were perfect for my layout. I have some Athearns, some of which are modified to more closely resemble actual CNW style, and Walthers had or has a very nice CNW red bay window, although some quibble about some of the lettering. I am not troubled

My apprehension is in actually running these cabooses. They are more costly than any locomotive that I intend to run on the layout (I have other brass but it is unlikely to be run – wrong era, wrong railroad – and even that brass steam is old enough to have cost less than these cabooses did). I am not a clumsy person but accidents happen. And some of my operating session buddies are somewhat clumsy. But I didn’t buy these cabooses to look nice on a shelf or in a box, but to run.

Yeah. I feel apprehension.

Dave Nelson

Perhaps we experience both anticipation and apprehension at the same time.

While anticipation is generally related to a favorable experience it’s not always.

When I open new items I would say that I experience both emotions in direct relationship to the cost and complexity of what I bought.


I agree…After almost dying from a near stroke in March of 2005 I don’t get excited any more over anything…

When and if I have a minor gitch I fix it or or contact the manufactuer and see what they suggest…

Apprehensive over taking a dremel tool to a $400 brass steamer? No not me. (not) Some of us work very hard and looonnng hours to be able to afford our toys and hate to waste it on inferior products. By rights we should not have to fix something new to make it do what it is supposed to do. I only have 4 HO scale Spectrum steamers and have found that they either run decent (not great) or need to be almost rebuilt to run decent. Brass is the same way!

Its a wonder why we do this hobby?


Did I just hear Sheldon enter the building???