Anybody from Rhode Island ever see the LV tug "Wilkes Barre" in a park there?

Back in 1984,I was in Rhode Island,somewhere near a huge bridge that crossed a bay.I was bicycle touring,and it was 20 years ago,so the details are a little fuzzy,but I remember seeing the Lehigh Valley Tugboat “Wilkes Barre” there,in a park,behind a fence,Anybody remember it,is it still there?[Am I getting senile and hallucinating???..LOL!!!]

Here’s a link that might help.


Thanks,but I’ve already been to a lot of those websites,there’s no info on it. They seem to only deal in in service tugs.This one was buried in dirt up to the water line,nowhere near water.

If you want some info on the tug - I found the following link to magazine articles regarding tugs.
There appears to have been a series of articles on railroad tugs in this magazine.

[M-36] Railroad Model Craftsman, April 1983
Page 68 thru 73, Article & photos, “Railrad tugs: Part I” by Preston Cook.
Page 68 - LV tug Bethleham headed towards Brooklyn just after being delivered in 1949.
Page 69 - LV tug Lehigh at the Jakobsen Shipyard in Oytser Bay, NY in 1949.
Page 69 - LV tug Hazleton in a delivery shot in 1949.
Page 70 - LV tug Wilkes-Barre in two shots.
Page 71 - LV tugs Lehigh, Cornell, Hazleton and Wilkes-Barre aligned in echelon off the Battery.
Page 70-71 - line drawings of the LV tug Wilkes-Barre in HO scale.
Page 72 - the stern of the LV tug Wilkes-Barre.
Page 73 - the LV tug Wilkes-Barre near the Cunard Liner Queen Elizabeth (I).
Page 72-73 - bow and stern line drawings of the LV tug Wilkes-Barre in HO scale


I’ve seen that websight also.I have info on the tug’s past,and I remember seeing it 20 years ago.What I’m asking is if anybody ever saw it where I saw it,in a park in Rhode Island,behind a fence,and what happened to it,or if it’s still there.I just looked at a map,I THINK it was near Saunderstown,by the Plum Point bridge.