Anybody here?

My brother mailed me a package from Ohio before Thanksgiving I’m in Illinois it literally took 3 weeks to get here priority mail. Yet when the current US Postmaster General was questioned why they can’t get the mailed delivered on time he covered his ears and said to congress I’m not going to listen to you.

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Wow … I feel like an online version of Lazarus. This time with Spell Check!!

I’m here but I’m not sure I’m staying. The forums haven’t consistently worked right for over a year, and I got out of the habit.

I do see some familiar folks. Hi everyone!


Its a whole new platform; the issues you experienced earlier this year are due to the clunky system before we launched this new forum.

I hope you will stick around. We have big plans for improvements and to drive engagement in 2025.

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I have yet to see any serious glitches with the new forum, no sign of waiting minutes for the login process to complete - forum comes up almost instantly (does help to have a 1Gbps fiber connection). Main issue is getting used to the new forum software after 19 years on the old forum software.

As a long time Mac user, the new forum seems to be much friendlier to Macs than the old forum.

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Most of the Firecrown team use Macs. It should work on any device, including iPhone, IPad, Mac, PC, etc.

I don’t think you’ll have issues, even on a slow connection, but if you do, let us know…

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It would be interesting to see who has managed to return. I see many familiar names. Possibly some returned with changed screen names?

I’ve wondered the same thing. I have a feeling there are quite a few new names representing former posters.

I also think it will take a long time for this forum to build a following. After months/years of struggling with the old system, it may take a while to get some former posters to take the step back here.

I suppose it depends on who returns plus hopefully new (younger) folks. Sadly, the population of these forums in the past was already heavily skewed towards those of us over 70 and thus subject to mortality attrition.

Well I’m back folks! Still alive and getting used to this new format. It’s going to take some getting used to BUT at least we’ve got it!


It seems a bit clunky but accessible. So mostly good.

Hey everyone, I’m new here. Thought I would introduce myself. My name is David, I like trains, a wide variety of music/movies and am a current engineering/ physics student


Welcome to the Trains forum, David. Since you’re a student, I assume you’re quite a bit younger than the rest of us, so you are probably a breath of fresh air for us! Hope you can continue to visit and comment.

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Thank you, I wouldn’t say too young I’m pushing 40 but still have that lust for life in general. I intend to use the forums, learn a few new things, gain insights and be inspired. So far I’m seeing all of the above. Thanks to this community

Well, since this is the Steam and Preservation subcategory, let’s have a photo of some STEAM!

NYC_2726_L2a by Edmund, on Flickr

Check out those splashy Scullins!

Cheers, Ed

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I never left but only got info about the new app today.

Oh, by the way, NYC 3001 headed for restoration and operation while everyone was in Limbo :wink:

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It’s taken me since early October to once again “find my voice” on this Forum, but I have and I’m glad to be back. Holiday Greetings to all of you!

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Welcome back! :blush:
