Anyone else had issues with the new IE7 and this forum?

IE7 will not give me any formatting options when making a new post or replying to an older one. No size, no font, no color, no highlight, no insert smiley, no nothing. All I can do is type a message.

Safari on the Macintosh works
Firefox on the Macintosh works
Firefox on the PC works
IE6 on the PC works
IE5 on the Macintosh works

Anyone else have this problem?


Yes. I just discovered the problem. Internet Explorer 7 will have to be removed. Stupid programming changes!

I just removed Internet Explorer 7. [:)]

Everything works fine.[tup]

It shuts down the forum options.[xx(]

Now I get more update prompts.[X-)]I will not update the Explorer.

Andrew Falconer

Which is why I use and recommend firefox on my site :smiley:
Be aware that Microsoft is going to FORCE everyone to update to IE7 whether they want to or not unless you turn off updates completely.
Just thought you may want to be forewarned about that.

Yes, fsm, the new IE7 is a pain in the caboose. I went against my intuition and downloaded it and I have had nothing but headaches…aaaaaargh!.I have decided to go with mozilla firefox and hope things will be better. I have had more lock ups with the new IE than I have had before. Thank you Bill Gates! Good luck to you fsm–I recommend you go with Firefox.

Cas 5030

Well Cas you can get it from my site if you want too.:smiley:

IE7 definately has some problems!!! Firefox is great…rarely encounter any problems with it anywhere…and substantially less hackable. It’s actually the browser that most hackers use themselves…and hackers don’t want to get hacked!!!


Went to Yahoo!

Installed Yahoo! Internet Explorer 7

Everything works faster now

Fonts are correct

Comcast version of IE7 has flaws

Andrew Falconer

I have IE7 and don’t have any problems…

I have two problems with IE 7 that are not related to this forum, but let me share them with all of you anyway.

  1. I do not have a direct link to my e-mail Outlook Express from IE 7. I have to go back to Start, and then go to outlook express.

  2. I have an HP 3970 Scanner-Copier which I could access directly by clicking on the HP Director icon on my desktop, and the scanner dialog box would open. With IE 7 I have to use a work around which includes clicking on HP Director, pressing the Alt Key and the space bar, clicking on Minimize, and “HP Director” shows up in the lower tray. I can then click on “HP Director” in the lower tray, and the scanner dialog box opens.

I have been tempted to try to go back to IE 6 which worked well for me, and it seemed to be more flexible about what you could do in that formatting options were available, but I agree, sooner or later Microsoft will force you into IE 7 like it or not.

My oldest daughter downloaded IE7 onto her computer and it came complete with a WORM!

nice comes to show that we should all boycoot IE7

I use firefox…no probelms here lol! Way better! Mike