I am having trouble with bringing this forum up as I get error messages. It takes several attempts to get on it (or the other Kalmback forums). then, oftentimes when I try to post a message I will get shut out of it. Anyone else having this trouble?
What are the specific error messages that you are getting? Where are they located on your browser window? What version of what browser are you using? Are you on a dial-up link or a cable modem?
I’m using FireFox v8.0 on a 10 mbps cable link. No issues here with this site or any others.
I have not had any trouble recently. In the past I’ve had really slow response times where I have to tell the browser to “stop” and then “reload” and it seems to move forward OK. I use Firefox mostly but right now am using Internet Explorer.
Not had any issues either. Knowing what the errors are you got would be helpful…
Internet Explorer 9 and Road runner.
No problems at all.
Sometimes there are local interruptions, usually between your ISP and certain other nodes around the country. Sounds like a local DNS problem.
Firefox Portable (note portable) has eliminated so many issues previously found under the Firefox (install version) or Internet Explorer.
Sticky Password Pro automatically signs me into tons of websites including this forum. Sticky Password supports all popular browsers, and; 1 license includes 1 install (+) 1 portable (i.e. USB) install. Sticky Password Free includes 15 free passwords – Extremely efficient and might be worth a try.
If it’s just today, remember that it’s Cyber Monday and there’s lots of extra internet traffic. I noticed that a lot of sites were slow today.
Whether I run Model Railroader forums from at work or at home I get the following error message:
“The tab has been recovered: A problem with this web page has caused Internet Explorer to close and re-open this tab.”
This has been happening to me for several months now or longer. Both home and office computer run Internet Explorer 8. This error only occurs when I access the cs.trains.com forums, no where else. Since no other website or forums causes this error, I see no other alternative that it is an issue with Trains/Model Railrailroader webhost or forums software with IE8.
As far as I am concerned, this is an issue with Model Railroaders forum host or software. Process of elimination. I get the same error and problem on two completely different computers on two completely different internet service providers. Only common link is both computer are running IE8 as the browser.
Rather than make me fix the problem by installing a different browser software is asking me to fix a problem with their software or webhost. Microsoft IE 8 is extremely wide spread and standard. They should fix it, period.
There are know issues with IE8 and IE9 with the Trains.com forums and so far the only thing I have heard is folks using either another browser or using the IE Compatibility View setting. Either way, I will pass this on as a Moderator…
Use the compatibility view icon (It looks like a ripped sheet of paper on the top right). I had similar problems until someone suggested trying the compatibility viewer and it works great now.
No problems at all, IE9, I NEVER use anythign but IE, NEVER have problems.
If your home computer works fine but the office one does not, is is not a forum issue, it is more likely that somethign needed or some setting on your home system is blocked or set differently due to corporate computer policies, or even more likely, there is a web filter or proxy server of some sorts between you and the outside, which you do not have at home.
Any issues here with IE9, using compatability mode solves them. I’d suggest checking for spyware and disabling excessive levels of firewalls. If you have your computer connected to a router before your cable or dsl modem, and your computer’s IP address is somethign liek 192.168.1.x or 192.168.100.x, you do NOT need to run Windows Firewall to protect yourself, the router will nominally block anyoen trying to access your computer. That does not mean that you don;t need virus protection. But what really messes thigns up is when you have Windows FIrewall turned on PLUS some other product liek Norton Internet Security - multiple firewalls often conflict and cause wierd problems. And, a firewall on your computer is generally uneccessary anyway if you already have a firewall/router device plugged in.
No problems here. I have been running a Linux Operating System with Firefox for seven years and the only issue is when the forums do a maintenance. I always log out after posting a message and log in only when posting a message. That way I leave a minimum trail.
Those who are not PC savvy would do good to download Firefox. It is not difficult and you can link the IE Favorites into the Bookmarks in Firefox. I did that for my girlfriend sometime ago and she really likes FF.
Let your PC use IE when your PC needs updating.
Many are not aware the Failure is not an Option, it comes bundled with Windows. A few places are like these forums and have issues when MS upgrades IE.