Anyone else interested in abandoned ROW's?

Theres a could of abandoned railroads in St. Louis and I was wondering if anyone is interested in this. If so post up some websites of abandoned right of ways. I found this site, but I have looked through them all[V]

I love that site, but Mr Owner has been slacking since August 29th, 04… It says he is i need of help, which i may apply for, but i belive… sadly… the site is going under… slowly…

Abandoned railroads are quite interesting. There is so much history and so many stories. I love to learn about where they went and what they carried. St Louis is a great place for abandoned ROW’s. I grew up in Edwardsville, Il., and sadly all the ROW’s where near to my parents are now abandoned. They are interesting and deserve almost as much looking into as the active ROW’s today.

Some years ago, we explored quite a few in Colorado with a 4x4 SUV. Probably the best known is the old Corono Pass ROW of the D&SL. Not for the faint-hearted. We also explored a few more out of the Pueblo & Colorado Springs areas that have been converted to forest service roads. One of the most interesting was the old Florence & Cripple Creek ROW. At the time, this was fairly easy traveling, except in a few tunnels which were deeply rutted.

I’m sure there’s quite a few more and maybe someone who’s been out there recently will post an update. Some of these can be dangerous if you get stuck, break down etc, so always check with the Forest Service or local authorities.

that site is great but unfortuneatly that aint nothingt about the wabash row running through illinois [sigh] is there any way that i can get in contact with this man to get that changed[?]

Hay this site is great!!! I found lots of information on abandon ROW in PA. Thatsinteresting. If I had the money I would start my own railway w/ one of these ambandoned lines.[:D]

Yes, I would be. I have a few friends in St Lewy too that would be

PS. I got a 87MCSS that’ll spank your cobra [;)]

I wouldnt be to sure about that, if you contact your friends around st. louis ask them about the old UP line that ran through Ladue. I cannot find any information on this line and I would like to know where it ran and when it was abandonded. It seems to have been gone for quite some time now.

Thanks Sarah.
Actually I helped Jimmy (the site owner) get a bunch of the stuff up on the site…in the past year they switched to Microsoft’s FrontPage 2000 software. I sent in much of the southern California stuff, where I live, and some of the Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania areas where I travel on business. The site is supported, maintained, updated, etc. all by volunteers, and they rely on folks submitting in your info. I’ve been swamped at my “real job” so I have not sent in much information for several months.

If your local abandoned lines are not on the site, pick up a camera, send in some photos (jpeg format) and at some point your pictures should appear there. Another idea is to join the abandoned RRs group on Yahoo (Free! But Yahoo is a bit nosy) and there are some other photos posted there. You can join for free and post for free.


I love spotting signs of an old right of way - bridge abutements, roadbed grading,many
of which are decades old. It is an incredible feeling standing where trains once rolled,
yet sad also, because they’re gone forever.

No trains, no interest.

What’s the point?!

The point? Take Frederick Maryland. There were some rails in the streets that I have always had problems with and wondered why they have to be there. Now I understand that they are abandoned rails and forever a sign of times past where trains would roll down the street in between peoples homes to deliver freight.

To remember our history is to never forget those that has passed into the night.

The good news is some of the rails are “banked” for a future reactivation by today’s railroads at some point in the future.

Well it’s not for everybody. It’s a way to go exploring …

If you are talking about the rails in East Street, that is the former Pennsylvania RR, later Penn Central. It was abandoned in 1972 after Hurricane Agnes hit. Between Liberty Road (Route 26) and the town of Walkersville, the track is still in service and it is still used by the Walkersville Southern (

This same line, further north, is railbanked between Taneytown and the Maryland state line. The rails and ties are still there, but paved over at crossings and buried under tall grass in other areas. It would take $millions to return the line to service.

The tracks are gone north of the Maryland/Pennsylvania state line