Anyone familiar with these books???

Father-in-law got them from some where and gave them to me. This one is real interesting.
This is inside front page. Has Pacific Electric Railroad stamped on it.

This was in the book more like a bookmarker. What is it?

Here is the ohter one from 1934. Has H. S. McCreary Limber Co. Montgomery, Alabama stamped on it.

The Identification check looks like something that would be issued in suburban streetcar or bus service when zone fares are used. It would be issued to the passenger when he paid his fare and would be returned to the conductor or motorman when the passenger got off. Exit checks of similar format were used by South Suburban Safeway Lines of the Chicago area into the 1970’s.

Thanks. Was beginning to think no one would answer my post. Anyone wanting the list of railroads that signed the agreement, I’ll scan and email to them.

ChiefEagles, I am assuming the top one is a rule book for the Pacific Electric RR. It should contain the do’s and dont’s for working on the rr ( Ex rule G ). If I am wrong please let me know.