Anyone getting a tax refund to spend on trains?

Happy tax day! [:(]

If you are receiving a refund on your income taxes, are you spending any of it on train related items or on something else?

I pay quarterly, so no refund for me.

I’ll let you know at around 11:30 p.m. tonight when I finish my taxes; that is, if I don’t fall asleep first.


I have the dubious honor of paying no taxes. I have to pay more to my accountant to file a return that says I owe 0. This has been going on for the past 5 years and there is no end in sight. One has to lose a lot of money to earn this privalege. Refund? What’s that?[:P][:P][banghead][;)]

I’m with Big Boy, what’s a refund?

Good news/bad news:
Good news I’m getting a refund[:D]
Bad news : I have to replace my shake roof to keep my homeowners insurance[:(]
BOOHOO BOOHOO[|(][censored][#oops]

I did get a tax refund, planned on saving it for a good train deal.
Last month Little Choo Choo shop had a 50 to 70% off sale trying to move
out some older stuff. Bye Bye tax money. I would say that was good timing!
Did pick-up some really good deals. Now if I could just find a couple of MTH
premier PA’s (A units) to go with that powered (B unit ) sitting there by itself.

Got a refund - went to Flordia. Maybe trains next time.


I thought I might get some of the refund but the wife made a convincing case that the washing machine needed replaced. We’ve had it ten years and my uncle had it 30 years before he gave it to us. Let’s see, 2004-40 =1964. Does that mean I can call it Postwar? [:D]

FWIW, it’s a Maytag.


I owe I owe I owe of to work I go no refund for me

Refund??? What is that. I had to send bunches to help finance George W’s war. Hope it all goes to the great guys and gals fighting it and not the politicians who keep it going. [#oops] [Was not suppose to say that.] Bad part is I’m retired and still have to pay him. In NC, us retired State Employees do not have to pay state income tax like all the rest of the North Carolinians do. [:D]

John, I used part of our refund to purchase the Rail King Millennium GG-1 and passenger car set. It certainly draws comments from people who see it running on my layout.[:)]

Tony Sincius

I really wanted the Acela, but I’ll have to settle for some used switches. Maybe If I get one cheap, a nice 736.

Got refund, paid down credit card debt (previously purchased trains). So, no new for me.

We got enough back from uncle Sam and the State to buy this new HP computer that I’m using. Kind of train related, or at least Train Forum related., Chuck

Got a refund, thanks to the increase in exemptions from killing the marriage penalty, raising the child credit, and lowering of the capital gains rate. Also got a rather hefty performance bonus check from my employer in the same week. Wife got a new king sized bedroom suit and I got a new K-Line Mikado.

Thanks dubbya!