Anyone have a cave on their layout

I found this rock and thought it would make a cave on my HO layout. What do you think? does anyone have caves on theirs? Post Pics please.

I had a cave on a layout once. I had a bear coming out of the cave behind an unsuspecting hunter. It made for a humoruos scene. Sadly, I don’t have any pictures of it. The bear and hunter are available from Woodland Scenics.

hey mike nice soon as i get my mountain started i plan to put one in. i do have 3 bears i will put in front of it


No pic, but yes, I inadvertantly produced one when making my rock castings. Haven’t done anything with it yet. coyotes maybe. Desert railroad !

I have one sceniced , one unsceniced and several others planned. I like what you did with yours. I look forward to how you finish it. I hope others will share their pics.

I don’t have one yet. Mine is still a work in progress. I will post pics as soon as I am able.

I ended up with one when a couple of rock castings didn’t quite overlap all the way. I painted the inside black, and put some brown turf inside it. Actually, I’d completely forgotten about it, so thanks for reminding me.

No critters, though. It’s too small for a moose, and moose don’t live in caves, anyway.

I have one in a rock wall in which I have a coyote that will go into it. I have other things that I will be doing first.

Youknow I never thought of putting one in but considering how shallow my layout will be, that is just perfect as an added detail.
Kudos to you mikesmowers.
I will try to put one in now.
Thanks a lot for the idea [:D]