Anyone Kitbashed or Superdetailed a 2-6-2?

Just wondering if anyone has ever superdetailed or kitbashed an HO or N Bachmann “2-6-2” into a more believable version (or maybe used something else as a starting point)?

Those small, backwoods 2-6-2s have always been a favorite of mine, but it’s had very little attention from the model manufacturers.

If yer in the mood:

Bachmann 2-6-2:

California Western 2-6-2:


Man, this topic brings back the memories.


In High School I did a detail/modification job to an N scale Bachmann 2-6-2. I would cewrtainly not say it ended up any more realistic than when it started.


I do not have any pictures.




I’m sure it’s been done, but there’s no reason why you can’t do it, too. Prairies weren’t at all common in Canada, and I always thought them to look rather ungainly when compared to a Mogul…

…or 10-Wheeler…

However, do I realise that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so if you have a favourite prototype (or a vision of a freelanced Prairie), the Bachmann loco might be a good starting point.
CalScale (Bowser) has thousands of brass castings for steam locomotives, as does Precision Scale, so there’s a good chance that the materials you need are available, even to model a very specific locomotive, if you have one in mind.

Modifying steam locomotives, both in appearance and performance, is one of my favourite pastimes.
