Just wondering if anyone has ever superdetailed or kitbashed an HO or N Bachmann “2-6-2” into a more believable version (or maybe used something else as a starting point)?
Those small, backwoods 2-6-2s have always been a favorite of mine, but it’s had very little attention from the model manufacturers.
In High School I did a detail/modification job to an N scale Bachmann 2-6-2. I would cewrtainly not say it ended up any more realistic than when it started.
I’m sure it’s been done, but there’s no reason why you can’t do it, too. Prairies weren’t at all common in Canada, and I always thought them to look rather ungainly when compared to a Mogul…
…or 10-Wheeler…
However, do I realise that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so if you have a favourite prototype (or a vision of a freelanced Prairie), the Bachmann loco might be a good starting point.
CalScale (Bowser) has thousands of brass castings for steam locomotives, as does Precision Scale, so there’s a good chance that the materials you need are available, even to model a very specific locomotive, if you have one in mind.
Modifying steam locomotives, both in appearance and performance, is one of my favourite pastimes.