Anyone know anything about knoxville?

Hey guys and gals, I live in knoxville, and I know that NS and CSX both run through here, as well as the local 3 rivers’ rambler excursion and the local factory switching operation(both collectively know as the Knoxville and Holston River RR) handled by G&O(which is based here as well)… but I was wondering if there were any schedules or anything for the 2 large lines and maybe the G&O that runs around, or where I might find such information without possibly appearing supicious?

With an avatar like that one you don’t want to appear suspicious?

It’s just an avatar, I can’t find any good ones that are rail related yet until I manage to get a camera and take some pictures of my own…

I go to Oakdale, TN. There you can expect to see 2 to 3 trains every hour. Everytime we’ve gone there we’ve seen awesome locomotives (ATSF, BN, UP, CN, CP, BNSF, KCS, MRL, plus tons more). It’s only about 20 minutes from Knoxville, and is easy to find on google maps.

Nice, I will definately check that out!

I live in Lenor City, east of KNX. There is a nice stretch of track between here and Loudon, where the NS line crosses the Tennessee River. And nice views of trains headed southbound coming off the Loudon river trestle.