Anyone know of Hazlet Train Stop (NJ)

I’ve been away from Lionel & trains in general for over 16 years.

Although I’ve been in TX for over 24 years now, I used to frequent Hazlet Train Stop in Hazlet NJ, and talk with Boyd Mason. Fact is, I used to work part-time for him doing restorations in the '75-'77 time period.

It seems like this place has dropped off the face of the earth, as far as Google and the back of CTT is concerned.

Is the store still there? Is Boyd still around?

I believe the owner died years ago and its assets sold. There was a great layout and collection inside.

Dale Hz

Sorry Corton, but Boyd passed away a number of years ago. The store was closed and the layout and museum were sold intact to a single purchaser.

Wow… I had wondered… Really kind of bums me out because of all the fond memories of that place. Ol’ Boyd was a real character, as they’d say.

I’m surprised none of his sons carried on… Jeff and Gary (especially Jeff) were always there helping out.

Any idea who the buyer was?



I was surfing the web and came across your old posting. I’m Jeff Mason, my Dad was Boyd Theres a long story behind your question. I wanted to keep the tradition going, but there were other family members that wanted something different. My E-Mail is if your still around, you can contact me.


Back when I lived in Jersey I used to frequent the Hazlet Train Shop.

It was the kind of store where you could bring in a minor repair and Boyd would fix it on the spot.


I moved away from NJ for about a year when I heard the sad news about Boyd. I was saddened again when I heard that Boyd’s family was not going to carry on the legacy. Hazlet Trains was an institution and I still miss it to this day.

Boyd helped me tremendously when I got started in the hobby and he helped my wife choose great Christmas presents for me. She bought a #125 whistling freight shed and Boyd went out of his way to find the original box.

Thanks for the memories.

It was reported that Ed Dougherty - retired PGA golfer, purchased the Boyd Mason Collection.

Click on the video link if the video does not appear in the window.

Thank you for the excellent, enjoyable video.