as to tower height that requires lighting, its usually 200’ unless close to an airport and the FAA can make smaller towers lit.
thats a damn good tower…im an exx Broadcast Engineer. Just a note…that if that tower is an AM tower, typically the cable coming out of your tower shack will have a loop in it to aid in lighting issues and in some cases its part of the tuning. also there would be 120 ground radials comming off the bottom…buried under ground that are the height of the tower. If FM, then those cables will terminate to some antennas on the tower, or some microwave dishes. I like your tower base…looks awesome!!! if you have it lit the flash rate, if I remember is 30 times a minute… 2 lights in the top beacon then some obstruction lights that do not flash on each leg
hit for some typcial broadcast antennas for FM. For AM the tower is indeed the antenna. for some microwave antennas for some general broadcast gear that would show you some antennas, and anything else broadcast
Those of you that want to get super accurate on the height of an AM broadcast antenna/tower, here is a good article that explains tower height. AM tower height is based on the frequency of the radio station.
FM tower are usually just high enough to acheive a good coverage area and are mostely up on a mountain in a mountainous region. In the flatlands, they are very very tall and are on the ground…height would be determined by the FAA.
Hope all of this helps
Wow, impressive! What circuit did you get for the flashing LED?
Don’t worry about the tower height. For the sake of scale and something that’s not immediately in front of the layout it’s actually good to be a little under-scale, you would be giving the illusion of forced perspective. Actually even if you made it a little smaller, it still would look fine.
I would also build a little fence around the tower facility. You never know who could hijack the airwaves