Anyone Modeling This? It's Only Natural, Don't You Think?

I’d guess, though, that if the tank were to be ruptured and lose pressure, the liquid would turn to gas, possibly with exciting results - much like when the integrity of a steam loco’s boiler was compromised by low water, and all the pressurised water in the boiler turned instantly to steam - not what you would call a leak or a spill. [swg]


If I was going to model that I would use drawbars and fill the tank with a lot of weight.

Definition of BLEVE - Boiling Liquid Explosive Vapor Explosion.


  • Tank starts leaking highly flammable gas, which ignites with a static or otherwise generated spark.
  • Fire heats tank, which causes the contents to begin to boil. This raises the pressure, increasing the gas leakage rate and feeding the fire - positive feedback.
  • When the pressure gets high enough, the tank ruptures. That’s when you get the fireball and pieces going into low orbits.

Makes no difference if the tank is close to empty or filled to maximum capacity. As long as there’s liquid present when the tank ruptures, it WILL blow.

Chuck (Modeling Central Japan in September, 1964 - where residence fires could cause BLEVE)

Oops sorry Dave, I was a bit tired yesterday must’ve missed part of your post. Learning something new everyday I suppose.

This is a picture of the BNSF 933400 LNG tank car for use between two engines. Notice that it is heavily reinforced to obsorb the wear and tear much bette than the old BN tank cars.


No problem. Sorry if I sounded a little ticked.


I went down stairs this evening and looked at the old Atlas 65 foot LNG tank cars that I have. I could use one of them. I ewould add an end shield outside of the end walkways. These are the 33000 gallon ones that Atlas has recently reindroduces. Any thoughts on using these?

This ihe new version.

NOTE: Theer are is no side ladder on the old version going up to the top of the car, just the end ones going up which I would prefer.

here are thd old 1960’s version.

Natural gas technology has come a very long way since the 1980’s. In the late 80’s the Canadian fed’s ordered a whole lot of natural gas/gasoline vehicles. I had the misfortune of driving many different sizes and types of these through work. The problems with them were, they would not go more than 60KMH on the highway and we would have to flip them over to regular gas to make highway speeds. The lines would constantly freeze up in winter and you would sit freezing on the side of the road until it thawed out. The tanks were very small and range was really limited. They constantly needed filling. But they were pennies on the dollar to fill. We use to get new vehicles every 5 years. These ones were gone in 30 months (our tax dollars at work)

Jump ahead 25 years, I had to drive a friends Chevy P/U truck with a natural gas 350 in it way up north hauling a 25&

I’d have to agree, especially on mainline service, BN’s Diesel Fuel tenders didn’t last long as the stress on the frames from the jostling between anywhere from 2-6 units was just a bit much for a tank car. If they had done a design similr to a steam engines tender or something with a bit more girth and durability I’m sure they’d have found a common place on the rails today.

[(-D] What’s that? A Sharks win against vancouver every game this season?

Ya right Gary. I think it will be the other way around.

It’s funny how your little Hockey team imitates nature. In the above photo you will see the Orca knocking the Great White so it rolls over on its back. This causes the shark to immediately go to sleep (something your little hockey team does on a regular basis) at which point the orca will take a rather large piece out of it.[dinner]

I see a “Vancouver Canuck Train” video happening in about seven months. You should get started on that video now.[(-D]

For those wondering how Hockey relates to trains. I had the misfortune of and the humiliation of having to make such a video a couple of years ago when Garys little Hockey team squeaked by the Canucks that year. This is was what I had to do to pay my gamblin debt. I expect a much better video from Gary this year.[~][8D]


BC Ferries converting Spirit Class vessels to LNG. Wa. State ferries converting some ferries to LNG as well. So are some martime vessels. Joe