Anyone remember these?

I was going through some old boxes of model railroad paraphenalia when I happened upon a couple MDC kits, one for a Gorre& Daphetid 40’ steel boxcar and one for a G&D drover’s caboose. The kits are unbuilt. I seem to remember these from the 70’s or possibly the very early 80’s. Ah yes, it was the early 80’s. Seems there’s website for everything.

Links to pics below (EDIT: Apparently what I did doesn’t work. However, the link will work from the site).

Drover’s Caboose , 40’ AAR box car

I’m torn between actually putting the things together or flogging them off on eBay (with the usual BS verbiage about being “vintage, rare, collectible, etc.”). After all, if someone can try and get $5000 for a 1966 vintage used SD45, I should be able to drain the treasuries of a couple of the smaller G8 countries for these pristine gems.

Seems I also have some “vintage” A-line moldable lead. Current A-line price is $9.95/oz. the price tag on the two packs I have is only $4.50. God only knows how long ago it was I bought the stuff. Can’t remember what I bought it for, but at least I have a current use for the stuff and it’s especially convienient since A-line is out of stock at present. I must have been planning waaaaaaaaaaay ahead. Yeah, that’s the ticket.



I picked this one up at a train show last spring, I paid $12.00 for it.

Accurail released some commemorative G & D cars too, I paid $15.00 for a boxcar. I’m not sure you’ll get rich but put it on Ebay with a minimum bid and see what happens!

My tongue was planted firmly in my cheek when I speculated the cars would make me rich. The A-line moldable lead, however, is another story. That’s a veritable gold mine. It is, after all, in the original pack and even that looks like it just came out of the factory.[(-D]

Just think how much an unopened jar of Bullfrog Snot will go for in 25 years.


You never know. My AHM/Pocher Lincoln Funeral Car brought almost $80 on eBay - even though the box still had the sticker on it from when we bought it at Two Guys (anyone remember those stores?) sometime in the early 70’s for $1.98.

I used to stick that car along with a V&T baggage car and a horse car behind the Genoa and pretend it was Jim and Artie headed for their next mission (Wild WIld West in case you didn’t catch on - the real one, not the silly remake movie with Will Smith). I’m a bit too young to have seen that show first run but I used to watch the reruns whenever I could, to the consternation of my mom (in those days we had but 1 TV in the house). It was close - the real show used the Inyo, but I didn’t have that one - just Reno, Genoa, and the Bowker. (yes yes, Sierra #3 was used in the pilot episode, not the Inyo). Reno may have been a better choice since that’s what ended up being used in the Will Smith movie.


Andre, I had to go check after reading your post. I have a sealed pack of Kadee 520 wheelsets with MSRP of $.2.35. IIRC, I could only justify buying one at the time, because of the high price to upgrade $1.98 cars. I also have two boxes of Roundhouse #1501 wood chip/ore cars, 3 in box @ $5.25. These will be put to use on my still-in-planning retirement layout, hauling raw polludium ore to my pollution factory. The rotary dumper mechanism is built, but not the structure enclosing it. The plan hopefully will include Dead Pond, which will serve as the repository for effluvial waste from the industry. I hope to start construction this winter (retired in July) but things have just been too busy[sigh]. Gary

I think I may have one of those boxcars too somewhere,along with a V&O one that was put out I think my Mckean or Front Range. Remember those two companies.I’ll see how well you do before I sell mine though.[;)]

Remember though,if you try to sell the lead, make sure you warn veryone that it is lead,after all we must think of the children.[swg]


I picked up a whole set of the Roundhouse G&D cars at a train show a few years ago, thinking I could make a profit selling them on eBay. They all did sell, but for not much more than I paid for them, so it was a fair amount of effort for not much return. But things do change, who knows what they might bring now? Do a search on eBay for completed auctions of the cars, it MAY give you an indication of the demand and prices paid.

The only MDC G&D car I had was stripped to bare plastic and repainted long ago.