We’re still unpacking the garage (even after 4 months), and I found a box of old treasures; including some of my older programs. I fell in love with Maxis games when Sim City first came out and I found my copy of A-Train.
This game is from Japan originally and was called “Take The A-Train”. Maxis got the U.S. rights to sell the game here.
It’s a train simulator and Sim City rolled into one. You can build your railroad, arrange how your trains run, set timetables; and at the same time, build cities around your running trains and serve the businesses you’ve built.
I just had to try it again and here’s a shot of it in action…
NOTE: If this looks weird, it might be but it was the only way I could run it…Windows 2000 and up will not run it (too fast for the program I guess), and I finally got it to run in DosBox on Linux.