Anyone see the new GE locomotive commercial?

With the workers at the Erie plant and the song “Take My Breath Away”? I’ve seen the older one many times, first time with this one, and of all places it was on the Food network during Emeril.


I just saw it as a matter of fact, but I was trying to get my son to come from the other room to see it and so I missed most of it.

I was there the weekend they made the commercial. Most of the people you see in the commercial are actors , of course. Although many of the shots of workers actually working were people that work in Bldg. 10 (assembly building). many here know I work at GE, Erie.

Yes, I noticed they deliberately (or not) didn’t show any of the internals of the loco, just final finishing and washing. Not even a cab interior shot, which would probably impress the general public who may view the interior of a locomotive as a mass of levers. The modern electronic display screens might even attract some younger people.


Not yet. Anybody see the new NS commercial that talks about saving fuel? Shows a bunch of bummed out gas cans watching a NS freight roll by.[:)]

Funny stuff…

David B

Saw another commercial last night for CSX , never seen one by them before, it just caught my eye as it was ending, didn’t see the whole thing. Gotta keep an eye out for that one again.

I saw that too, but it left me wondering if NS really now runs a typical freight train with only one loco? Or did the company think that showing more than one loco would lead viewers to think the opposite of what the commercial was trying to convey? [%-)]


I caught that too. Maybe they only had 1 clean loco available at the time.[:D]

I’ve not seen the GE ad. I have seen the CSX and the NS ads. NS is a bit on the abstarct side. I recall some neat UP ads a couple of years ago.