Anyone wire up the Ngineering LEDS?

Today I went to Walthers and picked upa few items and 2 of them were the 2 packs of Ngineering 2X3mm LEDS. I looked them over and said ok this should work for what I want. But I have no Idea how to solder such a small LED. Its marked with a + and - but have no clue how to get the solder to the area, let alone I bought their resistors which by the way are so small they are invisable to the naked eye sometimes. If your wondering what they are for they are for my modern Soda Machines on my layout I want to light them up. Also Its either my cold or I just forgot but what side does the resistor go on I think its the positive side. Dont laugh please cause I have a very bad head cold and the mind is messed up. Thanks.

It does not matter what side you put the resister on. I typically put them on the neg side. But they will work fine either way. As far as soldering the little fella I buy the ones all ready soldered. I know that doesn’t help you now but you can get them with a six inch wire all ready soldered to the LED. I guess an itty bitty solderiing pen with a magnifying lens would work. You could always substitute a reg carbon resister (that you can see) and run the wires below the bench and put the resistor there or something of that sort. One less itty bitty soldering job. Great idea lighting up your soda machine. Maybe you could drill a hole in the layout where the soda machine will sit and take a 3mm LED paint it black except just a tiny bit on the tip and run it thru the bench up into the bottom of the Soda machine??? Not sure if that would work as I have not seen your soda machine but mabye something of the sort would work. Are the soda machines hollow?? Sounds like an interesting project.

the soda machines are hollow on the buttom. I liked the squareness of the Ngineering LEDs cause I was going to glue them onto the back with of course the LED facing forwards. I have lit these machines up with 3mm LEDS and they are great really add realisim to them Maybe I will get a photo and post it when i figure how to add apicture to the post.

I did howver forget to say thank you for your help. I do appreciate it.

I model the 50’s so unfortunately I can’t model a lighted soda machine. But it souns like another great addition to a scene. If I run across the online vender that sells the wired itty bitty LED I will let you know. Looking forward to seeing some pics.

I am hoping to get pictures up when they are done but I cant find my solderings irons I have the Holdheat and normal one and both are missing. See lesson learned for modelers always know where your tools are.

Richmond Controls has prewired surface-mount leds.
