Apex & Hypotenuse Controller issue

I built the Atlas Apex & Hypotenuse from the Big Book but the B cab only works in the reversing section powered by XY feeders from Atlas Controller (220). The A cab works perfectly as intended around the entire layout, smoothly through reverse loop and both Controller direction switches work for cab A. The B cab has no power outside of the XY gapped section. I re-traced all wires and re-checked all insulators with diagram. With cab A working perfectly, i think i have it wired correctly and suspect the Controller. Is that possible or am i overlooking something? Any help is much appreciated!

If you are certain you have everything wired correctly, it’s possible that the Controller is bad. With everything disconnected from it, you cna try testing continuity through from one of the Cab B terminalks on the left to the bottom two terminals on the right. Which one has continuity at a given time will depend on the position of the Cab B reversing switch, but in some combo there should be continuity from each of the Cab B input terminals to one of the outputs on the right. A broken trace in here would explain why Cab B works int eh reversing section and not in any other area. If this does check out and there is continuity, then there’s a wiring problem elsewhere. The bottom terminal on the right of the Controller needs to be connected to the bottom terminal on each Selector.


Thanks Randy, I didn’t think of that, couldn’t figure out how to test the controller.