Apple Pie

“Hey Billy, I smell something good. Let’s head over to that remote cabin and see what’s cooking!”

“Hey Billy, when Mr. Smith takes that scorpion infested pile of wood around back, you grab the apple pie from the window. It smells so good, it’s time to take the risk…”

“Dang, I never seen the armed apple pie guard until we took up this position behind the trees. Abort mission, I know the pretty gal in the pink dress will be baking again on Sunday…that’s when Mr. Smith and his guard will be in church all day. We’ll come back then!”

“Sounds good, let’s scoot on out of Castle Canyon by hopping on that cool MTH out-bound train!”

“Ok, run for the tracks at top speed; that bear ain’t a-gonna wanna let us by. Stay low and near the river’s edge. He’s down wind so let’s go for it…on the count of three…go!”

MMmmmm Pie! [dinner] The new building looks great!

What ever happened to the guy working on that roof???
