Is it too soon to ask what the April Fool’s article was? I saw three or four that made me go Ah-ha! Only to find a real website associated with it, and I don’t think y’all would take a subtle joke THAT far… or would you? O_o
Ya this came up in the forum almost as soon as the issue came out (topic “April Model Railroader now shipping to subscribers”). Dana K. finally confirmed that they decided to skip the April Fool’s joke this year.
Ah geez… I read the April issue, cover to cover like always. I found no April fool gag. Assuming I missed it, I put the issue ion my dining table, and would read all the way through it every time I had a meal. The only thing I thought MIGHT be a gag was the scrap metal loads sold by the bag from KISSMETHODINC. Alas, I went to their web site, and it was real.
So now we find out the gag is that there is no gag? Pretty sneaky.
There is a thread back on page 3 in the General Discussion forum.
On March 11, I received this reply from Dana Kawala after I sent him a PM on the subject, as we all wanted to know:
Hi Mike,
It’s true. There is no April Fool’s in the magazine this year. We decided to take a break and come up with something new for next year. Stay tuned.
Have a good day,
That is the ultimate April Fool’s prank.
So essentially, they sent us on a snipe hunt.