Archive website crash

I am unable to utilize the MRR archives. Every time I open a magazine or search for an article, the magazine will open and then I will get a message that the website has crashed. Anybody else experiencing this problem? I’m accessing it through my iPad.

Be happy you can still post on the forum. Kalmbach has been modifying their whole website and it’s not going well. Plenty of features have disappeared or simply become unavailable. I can’t apologize because I don’t work for them, so let’s just say “I feel your pain.”

I’m not having any trouble at all today. I just paged though the latest MR on the archives.

I feel for you. I cana’t quite reach, but I feel for you.

At least that is what my mother would always say.

Was on web site yesterday and things finally worked right for me.

I’ve pretty much given up on My rant thread of several days ago was removed.

I just tried to download the latest MR from my iPad with no luck. Endless circle of death. I’m resigned to only access the archives from my desktop PC, downloading the pdf and mailing it to the email I use with my iPad. Not near as handy as having direct iPad access.


I have a similar problem with my iPad. But I don’t know if this is a Kalmbach issue or an iPad issue. In any case I prefer to read the paper copy. If I need to look at past copies, I’ll use the pc.

I was surprised that the censors allowed some of the complaint threads to stay as long as they did. Instead of fixing the many problems and shortcomings, it much easier to pretend everything is good.

Apple has instigated new security protocalls so lots of changes there.

Just for fun, I pulled up the latest MR from the Archives on my iPhone X. It worked just fine! I was using Chrome as a web browser. Unfortunately, I don’t have an iPad.

Greg works just fine for me on my iPhone, PC, and tablet using Safari and Chrome based on the device. I don’t have an iPad so I cannot speak to that.


I’ve been trying to read the December and January issues with only partial success. Every time I’ve tried (4 times now), my system crashes about halfway through. This has happened on two different computers, a desktop and a laptop, and using two different browsers, Firefox and Chrome. It’s not just that the MR website fails, it completely locks up my device, forcing me to manually shut down and and reboot just to get the computer working again. I haven’t tried on my phone, because it’s hard enough to read the article print on a 21-inch screen. It’s a joke, I donate to two or three small charities that have flawless e-reader systems for their annual reports and periodical publications, when publishing isn’t even their core business. Kalmbach, meanwhile, is betting the company on web delivery and their website has actually gotten worse over the years. Let’s see how long they leave this post up.

Did you download and are reading through the Adobe program or are you using the web-based Adobe. The web based Adobe is very buggy and I believe is native in both Chrome and Edge now

I haven’t been able to access magazines via archive on iPad for months now.

I can access via computer, download the magazine to my dropbox account, then open on my iPad that way.

Not sure why Kalmbach can’t when MRH and RMC can work on iOS just fine…

Because they bought an inferior setup and they keep trying to make it work, instead of starting from scratch, sometime you just got to bite the bullet. I know what they are trying to do but it is just not working. These days your online stuff is your most important. For me a real anoyance is when one of their other divisions sends emails to me that has nothing to do with trains, anoyed because they should know that the potential for losing customers is just as great as gaining an occasinal customer. Know a lot of people who unsubscribe to companys that realy want ads from x y z company but not all the other stuff or the constant bombardment (non train companys like Khol’s and overstock) are famous for these tactics.

Continues to work fine here - no Apple devices here…


Sorry - had a rant. Here’s hoping they get it fixed!

I figured out how to download it and read it my local pdf viewer, but that’s suboptimal as the page spreads are split. Kalmback customer service told me to try clearing my entire cache and all my cookies. So now I’m having to log in again on all the web pages that had a ‘keep me logged in’ cookie. (Except MR where I always have to log in - ticking the ‘keep me logged in’ box never seems to make a difference)

Funny I have never had to clear cookies except for Kalmback in my entire life and I started computers on an Atari 400 (or was it the 800). Not that I didn’t do it, it was just I didn’t have too.